Pacitale sans x Reader(ANGST)

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You felt the cool breeze sting your now wet cheeks, tears steaming down. When did you start crying?

"sweetheart- (y/n), hey, please don't cry." His voice was filled with pain, but he knew he couldn't drag this out for any longer without hurting you more.

He knew he couldn't tell you about his affair, It had been going on for weeks but of course it wasn't that easy to to keep as a secret, not like he could just abruptly say "hey Y/N, I fell out of love so I'm seeing Chara behind your back!"
He knew he had to end it.

Everything reminded you of her, the only reason he ever "loved" you was because of her, but she is dead. After meeting chara at a bar during one of your fights some things led to another and ending up with a constant affair, it wasn't fair to chara either.

He let the day continue, only to break up with you through text, A good hour had passed since he left, and he sat on an empty bench, relishing the sudden sense of freedom he felt, with his arm slinked around chara, not knowing of you sobbing in his sweater.

You cried out for the pain to stop, for someone to save you, but nobody came.

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