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grayson opened his eyes the next morning, looking at the white walls of the hospital room. he sat up, shifting uncomfortably on the soaked mattress beneath him.

he messed with the hospital band that was securely wrapped around his wrist, looking away from the window as the morning sky stung his eyes.

he slowly got off the hospital bed, feeling the cold tile under his feet. he slowly walked to the window, looking outside at the clouds.

he looked down, gasping at how high they were in the building. he ran back to bed where his mother was sleeping, "ma! ma!"


"ma! ma!" his voice startled me, awaking me instantly. i exhaled in relief when he curled against my body, i smiled, kissing him on top of his head.

"good morning honey." i spoke groggily.

"ma, are we on another planet?" he asked. i shook my head, "same world, different spot. this one is a bedroom, in a hospital."

"are we sick for real or pretend?" he asked.

"we're not sick, we're the opposite of sick." i smiled. "how long are we staying?"

"not long," i smiled bigger. "uncle jimin called grandma last night, and she's gonna get us once they say we're okay."

"uncle..jimin?" he furrowed his eyebrows. i nodded, "you met uncle jimin last night. he was the police officer who got you." he smiled, "cool. but, what about grandpa? and dad?"

"they were both away for work, they're on planes coming back home." i said.

he sighed softly, "i wet the bed before," he whispered. "i'm sorry..."

"oh yeah?" i asked, sitting up and feeling the spot he was laying in. "it was by accident..."

the phone began to ring, grayson gasped. i picked up the phone and answered it.

"hi, ashley, would you like us to bring breakfast for you and your son?" a nurse asked. "um, yes that would be great, could you bring it in twenty minutes? thank you."

she had agreed with me, hanging up the phone. "come on gray, follow me." i said as i stood up from the bed.

i took him to the bathroom, slipping off his underwear for him and throwing them in the trash. "omma that's waste." he said.

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