Tree House (Corey Taylor)

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*Imagine 20-24 year old Corey*

Corey held your hand as you both walked to the abandoned tree-house he had when he was younger, maybe 9 or 10. But that was not the case, he was showing you this place because he had mentioned several time that it was a very important place throughout his whole childhood and some parts of his teenager times.

"We're almost there, babe." He said, smiking at you. You smiled back at him and images of a younger version of him playing in the house appeared in your train of thoughts. The soked grass stuck to your bare legs since you were wearing short shorts because of the hot summer day. You admired the beauty of the woods near his favourite park and the peacefulness that surrounded it.

"Babe! We're here." His voice brought you back from your little daydream to reality. You looked up to the old oak tree and gasped when you saw a little wooden house hidden behind the leaves of the tree which had a small balcony with a fence.

"It's amazing, Corey." You said, gawking the little place infront of you. His hand squeezed yours in approval and that he was going to show you the inside. Soon, you were inside the house. It was surprisingly roomy and both of your sizes fitted in well. The tree-house had a couple of bean-bags, comics, some posters, a small food container, some beach chairs and a coffee table on the balcony. But soon, hurt was surely the only thing you felt in that moment.

"Did you show this place to your past girlfriends?" You said with a hurt tone, Corey must've heard the tone because you were soon embraced with his hold and his face on your neck.

"Of course I haven't, (Y/N)." He said against your neck. "None of my past girlfriends were as serious and important as you are. It would've been a waist of time." He said, and you knew he was being serious because his tone was serious unlike some other times. You turned around and cupped his face on your hands, your heart broke to the sight of the emotion plastered on his face- hurt. He looked at you with his bright-blue eyes. You brought his lips to your and engulfed him to a passionate kiss, the rest of the 'visit' to his tree-house wasn't quite clear. You both were naked, sweating, panting, and moaning each other's names. There was when he physically proved that you were his only one.


I know it's short, but it looked longer in texts; the next will probably be longer and hopefully some will have part 2(-:

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