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Jeremy curled up into a ball, holding his hurting stomach. Pain was all he could feel and think of. His nose hurt so bad and it was still bleeding. His left cheek was burning and he felt his right eye swelling up. Jeremy's stomach though, was the worst. He could feel his lower stomach pinch and he felt his ribs hurt every time he tried to breath. "I-I life..." Jeremy whispered, glaring at the wall. Ever since his mom died from cancer, his father started drinking and taking drugs. His own father would smoke every now and then and bring home women that he didn't even now. Jeremy started cutting at the age of fourteen, and now being nineteen, cutting has been a way for Jeremy to release his feelings and making himself feel better. Jeremy felt alone, depressed and quiet towards the world. Ever since his father started beating him up, Jeremy became nervous, and really shy towards new people. All Jeremy wanted was a friend who would have his back and love him. But, that would never happen.

'Would it?'

Sorry this was a short chapter guys, I'm tired and I didn't know what else to write. Please, don't forget to comment and vote!

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