2. Mia

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I couldn't buy into this urban legend, this rumour, this old wives tale. There is no such thing as being owned, because if I had a barcode out under my skin I think I would remember that.

The whole idea is utterly insane. People could say I'm going through denial but I'm not because first of all who would want me. My bland brunette hair that came to my shoulder blades, my faded brown eyes which had the hint of green in them which make them even more unappealing. My body was alright no where near what is defined as socially acceptable, you know extremely thin with thighs that don't touch but with boobs that are similar to Katy Perry and an ass that would give Kim Kardashian a run for her money.

I bit my lip running my fingers through my hair, tousling it slightly. I stepped out of the kitchen and walked into my bedroom, my room was essentially an extension of me. It's that place where I feel safe and comfortable.

I had my bed which was a daybed covered with blue, purple, silver and white pillows to brighten up my plain white quilt cover. I had a few plants, lots of CDs and of course a CD player and lots and lots of photographs.

I sat on my bed looking at the ceiling letting mind delve into the possibility that I'm owned but which of the privileged would have picked me? Could it be a prince? A politician? A rockstar? the possibilities where endless but I couldn't help the sinking feeling in my gut, that thought floating through my head. "How was I picked? Did I actually meet this person or was there just a picture and I was picked?"

That thought honestly made me feel queasy. I knelt on my bed so I could lift my covers and get into bed. I got inside them and pulled my phone off my bedside table and plugged in my earphones, I squinted my eyes as the light of my phone was slightly brighter than anticipated. My thumb searched the screen mindlessly before opening my music. I searched through trying to find the right song to fall asleep to. I put on Sex by the 1975 before locking my phone putting it under my pillow, I slowly drifted asleep.

Moments later my eyes fluttered open. I suddenly realised I was in a very unfamiliar place. The room seemed sterile and gave me flashbacks to my time in hospital with a kidney infection. I sat up looking around, the place seemed abandoned. I couldn't see another person anywhere. I wandered trying to find a way out or another human being.

I quickly turned my head from side to side my hair flicking in the opposite direction each time as I came to a corridor going in the opposite direction to the one I was walking. Then suddenly as I walked forward there was someone in front of me, "there you are, we have been looking for you." He said with a smirk he was wearing a white lab coat.

He grabbed me by the wrist leading me into a room identical to the one I woke up in except this one had a massive silver machine in the middle. I gulped hard as I was forced into a chair and then strapped in. I began to panic, "Why did you strap me in?" I asked quickly, my breath quickening, my heart pounding. I wriggled against my restraints trying to get free. I bit my lower lip hard, starting to hyper ventilate "I don't want to be here, I didn't sign up for this. I want to go home, please let me go home"

He said nothing he just merely looked at me with a blank expression plastered on his face. He sat on the other side of the machine "This is only going to hurt a little." He said a sly half smirk appearing on his face and just then I began to feel a searing pain, I screamed in pain. I then jolted awake, beads of sweat rolling down my face slowly. I gulped hard biting my lower lip getting out of bed and going to wash my face. Another thought popped into my head, was that a dream or a memory.

ownership || l.h.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora