Band weirdos

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Sitting on my bed writing an essay, I could see clearly into Luke's bedroom, which means I can she him sitting on his bed with his guitar and three other guys sitting around him scribbling on paper. This also means I could see him staring at me, oh how the tables have turned, I can feel his eyes burning holes in my head, and I could also see him ignoring his friends. I had my window open so I could here the birds tweet, so.i wasn't happy when the boy with red hair opened the window and shouted, 'hey hottie, whys this one staring at you, are you giving him sex?' I huffed and shut my window, having 5 seconds of peace before the 4 lanky boys had made their way across the tree to my bedroom, where they had opened my window and jumped in my room. As each boy climbed through, I noticed how hot they were, hmm maybe it wouldnt be so bad to have 4 hot boys in my room. Especially the hot tall giraffe, I knew as Luke. Although he wasn't Luke in my dream last night. The four sat on my bed, knocking off my homework, not that I cared anymore, I couldn't write anymore my hand is dying.

Luke's pov- (for wtfislukedoingtome)

She was so cute sitting there in her sweats and band tee, she had a really nice fashion sense. I don't know why I'm thinking this because all I want her for is sex, so what she's only 17 no one abides the law anyway, well not me. She huffed and picked up her sheets of paper from the floor placing them in a nice neat pile on her desk, giving me a nice view of here round ass, I was going to make a comment but Calum beat me too it by smacking her ass and chuckling, she turned round and rolled her eyes. I chuckled at her expression, I would love to make her eyes roll so far back you couldn't see her irises in pleasure. God what's my issue? Actually why am I even asking, its this hot girl in front of me and I can't even do anything too her because my stupid weird friends are here.

Kezeas pov-

The 3 boys had completely trashed my room by now and it was pissing me off, why were these band weirdos in my bedroom at 9pm. Luke had barely stepped foot in my room, which I am glad for because his presence made me want to rip of all our clothes and call him daddy.

(This next part is conversation between the 5 and they will be represented by the first letter of their name)

A- I'm Ashton, so why exactly was Luke staring at you over there.
K- I don-
C- Nevermind that, I'm Calum and I like your ass.
M- Hey, don't listen too them two, I'm Michael.
L- Leave her alone guys, we should go back to my place.
C- Ohhhhh He wants private time with her.
C&A- He likes herrrrr.

I help up my finger too get a word in but Michael had started ushering them out the window. I watched the band weirdos climb out of my window shaking my head. I turned round to my desk assuming Luke would run along with his posse, but I felt him behind me, his hard junk pressing into my back. 'Hey kitten, thought I'd forgotten about you' he purred in my ear, slightly nibbling, turning me on more and more. I shook my head, 'good, because I didn't little girl, and you think you can walk around like that, and let my friends touch you  without getting punished.' I shook my head once more but stayed completely still, I'm not denying the fact that I was soaking wet at him threatening to punish me. I wanted to turn around and say a smart comeback, but he pinned me against my desk. His hot breath fanned on my neck, where he lightly bit and sucked, I was sure it would leave a mark, but he found my sweet spot straight away and it felt so good. He spun me to face him and pushed his face close too mine and connected our lips deeply, grabbing my hips roughly too pull us closer. One of his hands attacked my ass, he slowly kneaded it and grabbed it, still making out with me. Suddenly my door was knocked on, and Luke pulled away from me, smirking, 'Guess we will finish this some other time then babygirl, be ready for your punishment'
'B-bbye L-lu-Luke' I stuttered. 'Bye kitten.' He walked to my window and whispered, 'And too you its daddy.'

Woo the kink is unleashed, enjoy

Daddy Hemmings Where stories live. Discover now