the beginning

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On Friday afternoon she bought cut flower,daffodils, anemones a few twigs of a red—leaved shrub, wrapped in mauve waxed paper, Saturday was the seventeenth anniversary of her husband's death, and she planned to visit his grave, as she did each year, to weed it and put fresh flowers in the two jam jars standing one on each side of the tombstone. Her visit this year occupied her thoughts more than usual.

She had bought the flowers to force herself to make the journey that each year became more hazardous from the walk to the bus stop, to the bitterness of the winds blowing from the open sea across almost unsheltered rows of tombstones, and the tiredness that overtook came her when it was time to return home when she longed to find a place beside the graves, in the soft grass, and fall asleep.

That evening she filled the coal bucket, stoked the fire. Her movements were slow and arduous, her back and shoulder gave her so much pain. Visits to the cemetery, the doctor, and to relatives, to stay, always demanded a bath.

When she was sure that the water was hot enough, she ventured from the kitchen through the cold passageway to the colder bathroom. She paused in the doorway to get used to the chill of the air then she walked slowly, feeling with each step the pain in her back, across to the bath, and though she knew that she was gradually losing the power in her hands she managed to wrench on the stiff cold and hot taps and half—fill the bath with warm water.

She found a big towel, laid it ready over a chair, arranged the chair so that should difficulty arise as it had last time she bathed she would have some way of rescuing herself

"mother" the young little girl said holding a cup of tea in her hand.

"yes my dear" the old lady said smiling at her.

"did you visit dad today?" the little girl questioned

" oh yes, and i bought the most beautiful flowers for him" the old lady tries to get out of the tub.

"now help mommy get out" the little girl nodded and helped her mom get out of tub.


"yes my dear"

there was a small pause before she spoke"

" will you ever feel better soon" the young girl said with a worried expression on her face.

"don't worry, mommy will be strong and healthy when she heals up" the old lady smiles at her daughter

"are you sure" the old lady nods.

"don't worry about me my little seo-yeon, if anything happens your auntie will be there for you"

the lady grabs the big towel and wraps it around her, even if she still feels the pain she wants to be strong in front of her daughter.

"now help me put on my clothes and we can start making dinner"

the girl nodded helping her mother.

her mother is from a poor family and her dad was from a more you rich family, but her mother never went after her dad for money.....they fell in love.

yes the father knew she was poor but he didn't care, he loved the women because of sweet and kind personality even if his parents disagreed , he would love her with all his heart.

after getting married and spending basically there whole life together, moving out, and having a child named seo-yeon but that all changed into sadness when her father passed from a car accident .

the father's parents got angry at the mother and start pointing at her thinking she killed him to take his money....but the problem is that she will never do that.

at that time she was at home taking care of her small child, waiting for her husband to come back home.

they took everything from he mother and she was left with nothing, she had to get two jobs to work for the money so she can buy a decent house, buy food for her and her child, and pay the bills since she has been going to the hospital for a awhile.

and now for poor seo-yeon who is only 3 years old has to face the reality.

"whatever happens to mommy just remember im always here"

addicted to you/ jungkook ffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ