one last thing

22 2 2

q & a

Question 1 -

What actually happened to Luke?

⠀⠀⠀⠀Luke passed away, actually. In chapter 8 I mentioned him being up there which would be like heaven, you can say. I did sneak in a lot of little clues so yeah. Luke hated himself. So I'm gonna say he committed suicide because in chapter 3 I wrote, "You'd still be miserable. You'd still want to disappear." So yeah that's what happened to Luke.

Question 2 -

When did the broken girl realize Luke was dead?

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀She knew it all along. I just think she was so in denial about it that she never could wrap her head around it. But she knew, she just loved Luke so much that she felt that he was only missing not dead. So yeah.

Question 3 -

Why was the Poet angry at Luke, saying she was going to forget him and stuff?

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I think with someone dying you kinda let your world collapse down and tumble so she was just saying she need to forget him or she would never be okay. She wasn't angry she was sad because her love died and it was irreversible.

Question 4 -

What was your inspiration for this story?

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I honestly have no idea what I was doing when the thought came into my head. I just thought that it would be utterly heartbreaking to write a short thing about how the boy dies and she just can't accept it.

Thank You Guys. For all the reads and votes. I really appreciate them all. Hugs and Kisses
Jen ; )

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