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UUUUGH I WROTE THIS BUT IT GLITCH SO IM DOING THIS SHORT sorry I just put alot in this (@_@;) but I decided to take a nap and I feel better I'll probably write the whole thing again I am a good in making interesting and long storys, but other things yeah out.

(Your POV)

You sighed as you looked at your alarm clock. You look up and thought ' another useless day' you silently shed a tear. You rushed to the bathroom And started to stare at your (e/c) which you thought was disgusting. You told yourself,'If I don't make a good impression in e-class then that's ten cuts.'

(No ones pov )

This all had started way back in kindergarten. Your parents didn't like you and you got bullied because you were..... Special

You had this thing were if somebody were to make you so mad or sad you would loose your emotions. Only for some period to, 30 seconds to 3 hours. Yours eyes would be gray and you would punch someone till somebody was to stop you. Only if it would be around 30 seconds though. You had four incidents like this and thus this is why you hated yourself.

(In kindergarten)

"You are so weird you hurt people because you are mad!" One of the boys screamed, you hated this because a group of boys would corner you at recess to push your limits.

You crouched on the ground with your hand over your head with tears in your eyes. "The killer is crying hah!!" You were getting mad and said in shock " a-at least I do not bully people you thick skull! "

You backed down and then everyone was in shock, you thought you did something, until. The boys started to whisper" isn't that the crazy akabane kid!!"

He came up to you all you could make out was his hair it was.. red through your tears. You started to cry. He said " aw don't cry now we are just getting started...(y/n)!!"

He said with a sinister look, his head up high with the most daring look in his eye.

He wanted to push you he made sinister jokes like, "aw look like the misfit here is still a phyco heh"

That was all it took for your eyes to turn gray you undid your arms and slowly stood up. Tears gone emotions gone, and the red head... Gone you stood before the boys one got the guts to say," y-you don't s-scare us!" His legs shaking you looked at him and he jumped back.

You charged at him and punched and punched and punched. Boys calling for teachers and screaming. The teachers pulling you of of him.
As the teachers were carying you you saw Akabane.
You managed to wiggle your way out the teachers arms, you ran up to him. He smirked you charged, you heard a slash you made no reaction. You shed a tear emotionlessly though. He started" I would love to play but, that cut has why to much blood coming out you would faint. Your arm was bleeding with a cut across it.

The second and third happened with your parents. They made you angry and the second you were emotionless for 2 hours!
Although your parents didn't pass this as a opportunity to do whatever they want to you, you didn't remember anything they did To you.

They hit you and made you do things for them you wish you could never look back on.
Your fourth incident is what landed you in e-class.
You ended up punching some kid till he passed out
You had one friend who was nagisa. He wasn't scared of you like everyone else. You had zero social skills so you were shy except from when you were with Nagisa. You thought of him as a true friend.

(Last day of middle school)
"Hey nagisa!" You said as you say down next to him." O-oh hey (y/n) what are you doing." He said, you frown as you remember, what the principal said. You stated" I'm being transferred to e-class!" His eyes widened
"Why what did you do?"
"I-i punched a kid till he passed out..."

Nagisa looked at you, you looked at your feet. You could tell he had a horrified face.  " hey i-i might be going there to because of my poor grades, I know you didn't beat up a kid because you wanted to!" 

You looked at him with tears in your eyes his eyes widened again. Then you ran out the cafeteria crying and everyone laughed at you. "(Y/n)!!" He screamed. You ignored. You started cutting yourself when you were starting middle school you ran out to the hall. There was abandoned part of the school you rant to. You always kept a blade and bandages on you.

You ran into the abandoned School bathroom. And pulled your blade out your sock. And started to cut up your arm.'this is for making your only friend worry about you, you idiot.'

This is it for the prologue. I hope you liked it I hope I didn't make you mad or anything. If I get feedback I'll keep posting ʕ'• ᴥ•̥'ʔ next chapter one will take place one day after they meet korosensei thx!!!

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