Chapter 01

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"SQUACK!!!!!" Within the mass forestry of the spirit world, one of it's inhabitants quickly tottered, leaving a brown dust of smoke behind him from his rapid pace. If any more pressure had been applied to the ground by his small orange webbed feet, then it would have cracked.

From his line of perception, he finally found who he was looking for. Concluding by the scene that was going on, it seemed like the trade off had not been made yet.

"Yes, this a book from the material world written by humans on the subject of the avatar! The master of all four elements! I know you have read a lot of books, Lady Tori but not this edition!! And this is cookbook is filled with recipes of the oh so scrumptious food that those in the Southern Water Tribe make!" After pulling out the books and showing the girl who's dark purple eyes sparkled more and more with excitement, he finally revealed his last item. "See this emblem." The spirit pointed to the emblem that had a small flame encased on the weapon. "This beautiful dagger was most likely used by the Fire Lord of the Fire Nation! Cannot even be easily found within the material world!!!"

"Hmmm?" She released quizzically. Quickly flipping through the pages of the books then handing them back to the spirit, the girl had been handed the dagger to test it out. She executed several fighting positions her teacher had taught her. The dark purple eyed girl nodded her head. She smiled. "I will take them all!"

On hearing this, he called out. "Lady Tori!!!!" His brown feathered wings flapped fervently even though he did not take flight.

The one who had been addressed as Lady Tori looked behind her. "Oh, Pyn."

"Lady Tori, not 'oh Pyn.'!!!!" He tried to mimic her voice at the ending of his exclamation. "How could you trade precious fruits grown from Lady Alma's garden just for a few Knick-knacks from the material world that were made by humans?!! You already have a room full of them!!" The duck spirit divulged.

"Pyn, mom said I can do whatever I desire to the end results of her garden, since I am the one who takes care of it." She informed.

The very small white fur ball spirit on the girl's right shoulder released. "Tu-Tu."  If this spirit had not move or talked, one would have thought it was just an accessory on the girl's clothes.

The girl giggled at the fur ball then answered. "I know right. I wonder how the food from the Southern Tribe taste as well." Within the spirit world she did not need to eat, but she still did. She loved the feeling of her tastebuds tingling after eating something sweet, spicy, sour or a mixture of any one of the three. The most she could have eat were the fruits and vegetables grown within her mother's garden. Same with her friend Tu-Tu.

Pyn sighed at the girl's words. "Young Lady Tori, since you are still a child, you may not know the value of the fruits grown in Lady Alma's garden."

"Pyn." She called out to him gently. Tilting her head to the side, her curly ebony hair that framed either side of her face moved with her. "I am not that ignorant of such things. But to me, I think that beauty is in the eye of the beholder as value is too."

With those words Pyn had nothing more to say as his heart had ached once he had seen his Lady trading her mother's fruits for items of the material world.

The spirit who had done the trade off with her had not been slightly worried about the appearance of the duck spirit, because he had done numerous of transactions with her prior. Pyn always had failed at stopping those transactions and swaying his Lady's views.

The spirit said, "thank you for your patronage, Lady Tori."

"And thank you for finding items of the material world for me." She returned. It had been thousands of years from since the northern and southern portals that were gates linking the spirit world and the material had been closed. With so many centuries had gone by, finding anything created by humans in the spirit world was beyond a rarity to the girl.

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