Chapter one

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This... this... this um... ok. I got the feels. It's weird how you can get so sad because of an image. I just hear Jafar screaming, "SINNNN!" After he disappears. Damn...

"Sin! Fire to the left!" Jafar yelled from the back seat of their tanker. Sinbad turned the tanker's weaponry and fired at the other tanker flying at them. At the moment, they were in space, fighting the Kou's forces that were trying to destroy their planet, Sindria. Sinbad, the prince of Sindria, and Jafar, Sinbad's guard and childhood friend, were fighting on the battlefield in space.

"Jafar, open fire behind us!" Sinbad ordered. Jafar nodded and started to fire behind their tanker. He then started to talk not to Sinbad, but to the tanker.

"Tank, how you holding up!?" He asked. A voice, the same as a robot, responded.

"I'm perfectly fine, Jafar. May I switch to overdrive?" Jafar shook his head and shot another tanker ramming straight at theirs. Sinbad was more or less trying to watch their moves instead of protecting the tanker.

"No. Just make sure you don't shut down on us. I wasn't done reprogramming you when we had to set off on this ridiculous fight." Jafar practically complained. Sinbad snickered, losing his focus a little.

"But you enjoy fighting, Jafar. You got into a fight with my father just yesterday." Sinbad joked. Jafar murmured something inaudible to himself before retaliating. Sinbad guessed he was saying, "he was making fun of me..."

"That doesn't matter right now!" He yelled. "I just want to go home and take a nice bath and get my work done!" Sinbad sighed. Jafar wasn't only his guard, but he was also the officer of the palace, even though he was only 19. He needed to do some work when he back. "Maybe have a cup of grains (basically coffee) when I get back..." Jafar murmured. Sinbad snicker again, losing his focus.

"I can't believe you can drink that stuff. It stains my mouth." Jafar huffed.

"Suggestion: Maybe you should clean your mouth more often." Tank retaliated. Jafar snickered.

"Yeah, Sin. Maybe you should- LOOK OUT!" Another tanker rammed into theirs. Jafar jumped out of his seat and immediately covered Sinbad from any damage. "Tank! Turn on the radar! Sin, put on your helmet!" Jafar ordered. Sinbad immediately did as he was told and shoved his helmet over his head. Jafar pulled on his helmet and sat back down in seat. There was a flashing red light above them and a voice repeating, "losing oxygen."

"Going into cryostat in 3.2.1." Tank counted down. Sinbad and Jafar closed their eyes, going into unconsciousness while their tanker fell in space.


"Hey, Alibaba!" Aladdin called out to the person standing on top of the huge robot machine. Alibaba turned around and wiped off sweat that laid on his forehead. Aladdin rested his hand over the machine. It was truly remarkable.

"Are you done with your deliveries?" Alibaba asked. Aladdin chuckled and backed away. "Aladdin... you know we need that money so that I can," Alibaba turned back to the machine and hit it with his crowbar, "get this piece of junk open." He finished. Aladdin snickered.

"Aw come on, Alibaba! You don't have to be so gloomy. I bet out of everyone on Balbad, you can get it open!" Aladdin cheered. Alibaba sighed before turning to the girl with red hair on the other side of the machine.

"Hey, Morgiana, do you mind helping Aladdin with his deliveries?" He asked. Morgiana nodded and walked over to Aladdin. She dragged him to the door.

"I'll come by later to see how far you've gotten!" Aladdin called. Alibaba sighed but nodded. He really did enjoy Aladdin's company, but he needed to get this machine to open. He kicked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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