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I left chapter 1 off with things that felt very unresolved, so I opted to make an afterword and I really hope you enjoy! Thank you so much and I wish you a lovely night!

The conversation he had with Thomas did not fix everything but, much to Dr. Picini's delight, it did help. The jabs hurt a little less and if it got to be too much, Janus took a step back and hung out with Thomas for a movie night all alone.

What Janus did not expect was for Virgil to come knocking at his door before dinner one night, only a few days after his and Thomas 'heart-to-heart'.

"Patton I am well aware of the dinner-" he had stopped short, looking through a curtain of bangs to nervous eyes. "Virgil'

"Yeah, what of it-er, just, I mean," He huffed, looking like he would like to do nothing more than run away from the conversation.

Janus crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, "If you're going to say something I would suggest you spit it out, I don't have all day for you to twiddle your thumbs."

He went to close his door when there was no response, and was genuinely startled when Virgil shoved his foot in the door and yelled out "Wait!  No, I'm sorry!"

Janus opened the door slowly, his eyes narrowing, "A little louder for those in the back?"

Virgil just scoffed and rolled his eyes, but continued on, "I said I'm sorry, for all the crap I've been pulling, I'm just trying to do what's best for Thomas and...I might have been wrong."


"For real?" Virgil questioned, looking at Janus incredulously, who stared back evenly "oh my god, okay fine, I was wrong, are you happy?"

"Indeed" Janus started, a smug smile moving across his face before he fell into seriousness "I also must apologize, I have given you many reasons to distrust me and haven't exactly been nice"

"Haven't exactly been nice?"

Janus let out a laugh at that, "Okay, haven't been nice". They sat there for a little bit before both breaking out in laughter for a moment.

"Alright, were good here, yeah okay" Virgil spoke quickly, turning away from the other and leaving down the staircase "Patton says don't be late for dinner".

"Virgil," Janus called, "Thank you"

The anxious side paused for a moment and nodded his head at Janus, before practically running back down the staircase. Janus sat there for a while not sure what to make of that, but figured he would remain cautious but hopeful.

"Come back to bed before I fuck you in the hallway" Remus yelled, loud enough for those downstairs to hear.

With an exasperated groan, Janus closed his door and made his way back to bed to reprimand Remus.


Roman's trust came slower than Virgil's and much more gradually.

Perhaps it was when they had started joking together during movie night about the storyline, and continued to do so every night. Or maybe it was when he and Roman had worked together to get an ambitious acting project finished. No one had been opposed to it and much work needed to be done. Janus, being self -care, had offered to help when the other seemed far too overwhelmed and was allowed to do so. It could have been the nights they found each other up and stayed seated across the kitchen table, fading in between amiable conversation and comfortable silence.

Neither could place what day it was that they became friendly towards each other, but they both realized at the same time that the hostility was gone.

They were in the kitchen, helping Patton with dinner and the other had stepped out to change after getting covered in flour. Instead of the unusual bickering that would ensue from the pair being alone, they continued to work in tandem with each other.

As Janus turned to put the mixture for the pie in the fridge, Roman turned away from the fridge having grabbed the ketchup for the meatloaf and they ran into each other. Roman dropped his bottle and saved the pie filling from landing on the ground, while Janus steadied himself on Romans shoulder.

"You alright, my slippery snake?" Roman quipped, all of the usual venom gone and replaced with a smile.

"I believe I have escaped mortal injury and, thanks to you, so has our pie" Janus replied, warmly, gathering up the bowl from Roman.

They paused there for a moment, staring at each other and the mood shifted then, to something deeper and more serious.

Roman was the first to start speaking, "Janus, I'm-"

Janus simply held up his hand to stop the other from speaking further, "There is no need, Roman".

The creative side seemed perplexed for a moment but then smiled warmly, relief showing on his face, and nodded at Janus before going back to the meal.

Janus sighed as he put away the filling and got out the peeler for the potatoes. Patton came back downstairs after a moment and had a short conversation with Virgil before entering the kitchen. The anxious side followed with his eyes and then made eye contact with Janus, and nodded once before going back to his phone.

Janus had been correct, everything did eventually calm down, and sure things were still tense at times but never like before and everything was looking up.

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