Rap battle

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Song above :D

This is a long one xD

And this is when Ash and (Y/N) have a big argument and Kalos gang is there (Even Pokemon! (Y/N)'s)

_ (You don't have to read the beggining when Prof. Oak talks, cause it doesn't have to do anything with the plot I'm going for)

Prof. Oak: Greeting Pokefans!

Prof. Oak: Today we have a rap battle!

Prof. Oak: Between the hero of the anime, Ash Ketchum!

Prof. Oak: And the hero of fanfictions, (Y/N)!

Prof. Oak: Ready? Battle begin!


Ash: Yo, my name is Ash Kethcum, from Pallet Town!

Ash: And this stupid silent freak show is going straight down!

Ash: If you think you're gonna win, you've made a serious blunder!

Ash: Shock you with my trusty Pikachu, Thunder!

Ash: So here's the fameous (Y/N), the star of every fanfiction, but are you really (Y/N), if eight-year old can change your name?

Ash: I run the show everyone knows about Pikachu and Ash!

Ash: You get replaced with other girls, that throw you out like trash!

Ash: While you stay stuck in Kanto, I have traveled 'round the world!

Ash: Catching 'mon, winning badges, followed by hot girls! *(Y/N) gasps*

Ash: I'll run you down into ground, so let's see what you got, but wait I know already ". . ."

(Y/N): . . .

(Y/N): I normally don't talk but it's a special occasion. . .

(Y/N): Time to use my rhymes to cause Ash Ketchum oblieteration!

(Y/N): You're a child!

(Y/N): All you do is lose, cry and whine!

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N)! The greatest trainer of all time!

(Y/N): I'll crush you!

(Y/N): I'll break you!

(Y/N): Sweep your team and you'll be done!

(Y/N): *Points to herself* You could never hope, to beat the champion!

(Y/N): Took Team Rocket down, by myself,  when I was only ten!

(Y/N): You can't stop three dumb losers, who keep blasting off again!

(Y/N): You released your Pokemon and then cried like a little girl.

(Y/N): I captured every Pokemon in the entire world!

(Y/N): If we had a real battle and we truely got acquainted, I guarantee the screen would read "Ash Ketchum fainted!"

Ash: When there's a new generation, travel to a brand new nation, while you're on your cold vacation, tacing you refrigeration. . .

Ash: I'm Ash!

Ash: They wanted me for Frontier Brain, but I said no, so I could go around the whole world to train!

Ash: Battling a legendary, your Charizard almost died!

Ash: Mine beat an Articuno, Sceptile beat a Darkrai!

Ash: Who will everyone remember, when they've gray and old?

Ash: *Points to himself* The hero of their childhood *Points at (Y/N)* or the one who lost to Diantha?

(Y/N): How many times do you start all over again?

(Y/N): I may only gave eight badges, but at least I'm not still ten!

(Y/N): You meet Mewtwo, he turned you into a rock.

(Y/N): When I meet Mewtwo, threw my MasterBall, Caught!

(Y/N): You're pathetic!

(Y/N): One look from me, would freak out an Gastly-

(Y/N): -You're waisting my time, see ya never, Ashley! *Turns away from the group and walks away with Akemi on her head and Akiko in her backpack*

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