Chapter 3

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As the plane left the airport that day

To our Princess's very dismay

Her tears were her only friend

And her questions had no end.

She counted her memories one by one

And boi they were a ton

But a something lingered in her mind

Where were they going to live this time?

So she gathered all the courage on Earth

To ask the question like it was life and death

"Mom, Dad. Where are we going anyway?"

But in their dreams they both were astray

She understood that they were working hard

And that's why she loves them with all her heart

Hours later they arrived at the Port

From a ride that wasn't that short

"Isn't this Charles de Gaulle by any chance?"

"Does that mean that WE'RE IN FRANCE?"

China and FranceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ