Made it - Part 6

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I'm so impressed by how beautiful my university is. I'm attending Amsterdam University of the Arts -yes, how ironic I know- and 'm majoring in fine arts. I want to express my passion in a canvas, but also explain the passion of other artists that have expressed their life in a painting.

I wanted to live in the Netherlands to paint the landscapes, to experience new things and now to achieve my goal. Finding the well.

My university is pretty big for a University of art, has different buildings. Like the film building, the theater and dance building and the fine arts building.

The fine arts building is full of paintings, but what I'm more impressed its that is full of paintings of alumni. Apparently when you are going to graduate, you need to make a painting for the school explaining your four year experience. Wow.


I'm starting to move in into my apartment, well its a studio to be honest. Has a queen bed, a sofa, an average kitchen and an average bathroom. It's comfortable for one person and I love it.

I'm going to buy some plants, canvases and some other things to decorate. I want this place to feel at home.

While I was walking I saw from a distance the bridge, and luckily I brought the map with me. I market X on where I was staying and an O on where the bridge was. Ethan said that the well was somewhere the bridge but not in it, so I'll just have to find some clues that leads me to it.

I kept walking to the store and I timed from where I lived and where the store was and I timed it to fifteen minutes and the bridge still looks far away so I can probably take me about an hour or thirty minutes if I rent a bike.


After walking and decorating my studio I decided to call it a night.

Then I woke up by the same dream, different situation the third time.

This time he wasn't with a women, he was alone showering. He stepped inside the shower, and cleaned his body, but then he stopped. He started to stare at the shower head and then at the floor and then at his amazing length. Wow I'm definitely impressed. He started to gently caress his length, with every stroke he flinched and his muscle tighten showing his abs and strong leg. He started to stroke faster and harder, with every stroke his breathing became heavier and heavier. He started to moan loudly while tipping his head back. While reaching his climax, he rock his hips with every stroke hi made to his remarkable length until he climaxed moaning my name.

When he moaned my name, it woke me up.

This time I decided to draw what i saw and not stare at the ceiling.

I started drawing what I saw his powerful legs, his amazing length, the deep V he has and his tight abs. I draw non stop because I was surprise by the image in my head but then I feel asleep drawing him and I kept dreaming about him, but in the dream he just cleaned himself and went to bed. With that I had blackness in my mind.

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