all my hope is pinned on... (7/31/20)

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Zoe, you make me feel like I'm twelve years old again. Girl crush. Musical theatre, peach and coral. The last time I liked someone like this I said he made me feel whole again but Zoe you make me feel brand new. Like a different person, someone I could stand to be. And it's stupid because I've known you for all of a day and a half but you're just so pretty and sweet and you seem like someone I'd instantly want to be best friends with. If only you weren't so far away. I want to write a song about you. Stupid as it is, you've made believe in love again. You're cotton, soft and warm, my favorite T-shirt to wear with jean shorts in the summer. You're summer, sunrises and campfire smoke and fresh fruit smoothies and midnight stargazing. Zoe, I want to dance around my room just knowing that even though it'll never happen I love that you make me feel this way. I'm not scared anymore. Zoe, I want to be your friend and if you want more, well, I'm ready. But mostly I just love being around you, it's selfish but you're like honey green tea, soft and simple and wonderful and Zoe, I don't love you yet but, god, I think I could.

(p.s. snap me back?)

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