Chapter 3 - The Conversation

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I awoke in my own bed, my body was stiff and my mouth dry. It was dark outside, I only know this because of my window that over looks the lake.

My head hurts like I have a concussion, but I didn't fall, did I?

No, I don't think I did.

I walk into the bathroom that is connected to my bedroom, and flinch as soon as I see my reflection in the mirror. Wild hair, scratches on my face probably from the tree limbs, and my eyes with their odd mixture of blue and green flecks, but unlike any other I've seen I also have mostly grey.

My eyes are bloodshot and have what seem to be bruises underneath. This is all just strange. I turn on the water to my sink because I need to wash my hands because they are clammy and my face feels gross. 

When I'm done I just look in the Mirror, searching my reflection for some type of answer I know it can not give me.

As I go back into my bedroom I look out over the lake, I don't see anything strange. But then a pang hits my body, I feel like I'm missing something. I look around my room searching for something that could possibly help to realize what I'm missing.

Nothing, I find nothing.

Everything is in its intended spot. I go to sit down on my bed, but before I do I catch the sound of a quiet conversation happening downstairs.

It took maybe 3 seconds for me to decide to listen in. I needed answers as to why I felt so strange.

What was that in the woods?

So many questions are swarming my mind. I quietly open my door, and make it halfway down the stairs. I sit down quietly, surprised at my own ability to not make a sound. I try and focus on the voices in the kitchen. Its my Gran and Pap. They sound aggravated, worried, and possibly sad? But why would they be sad?

"We should tell her " my Pap says

"We can't right now. Its too dangerous, what if something happens?" answers my Gran

"She's getting stronger and she has the right to know since she's getting older." 

As I'm doing my best to listen, I am so confused and a little pissed.

What are they keeping from me?

What's dangerous and what cant they protect me from?

Just as I'm about to get up and walk into the kitchen. My gran says something that goes against everything that I believed.

"I just don't want the same thing to happen to her like it did to her parents Joyce and Hank."

"I know you don't Elinor, but it might be the only way we can protect her from them. You saw how fast her hand and wrist healed. Her dreams are starting to get stronger, and she's starting to show the signs. She will continue to get more and more powerful by the day, they will be able to track her. Just like they did that night with Joyce and Hank. Right after they dropped her off. With both of her parents being as powerful as they were, and her starting to show the signs, she's not safe here anymore, we knew this day would come Elinor" Pap chokes out

"But what about Asher and his pack?" Gran pleads desperately

"They have been watching over this house and family for centuries. And Asher has taken a particular interest in Kyra. He has been watching over her since the night her parents gave her to us, when she was 6. She showed signs then too, that's why Joyce and Hank thought she would be safer here in the forest surrounded by the pack and your illusion charms. We were able to give her a much longer normal life than we thought we could Elinor"

Gran lets out a low sigh "She's not going to understand, what if she hates us? All we wanted was to keep her safe. We should start the transition into plan K-A17. We are going to need to send word to Asher, and the council."

I cant even begin to process what I just heard. All I can keep thinking is my whole life has been a lie. My breathing begins to quicken and my heartbeat is pounding in my ears. Everything around me is starting to spin and I cant focus on a single thing. All I know is that I'm in the early stages of a panic attack and I need to get out of here.

As I stand up on the steps of the staircase I've been sitting on while eavesdropping on my grandparents, the wooden step makes a creek sound that vibrates throughout the entire house since it is so quiet.

I hear my Gran say "Oh no"

And that was my indication that it's time for me to leave.

Authors Note:

I hope you enjoy. - tay

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