Chapter Eight

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Laurel looks up when there's a knock on her office door. Getting up, she moved to the door and opened it.

"Hey, brought you lunch." Nyssa says, sending her a warm smile.

"Hey." Laurel said. "Um... thanks but you didn't have to, you know that right."

The brunette just smiles back. "Yes."

Laurel let Nyssa into her office.

Smiling, Nyssa holds out the bag of food.

Laurel took the bag of food and moved over to the table. She sat down and opened the bag.

"I got your favorites." The brunette says with a warm smile.

"Thanks." Laurel said.

"You're welcome." Nyssa responds, sitting down beside her.

Laurel smiled. She pulled the food from the bag.

"How's your day been?" Nyssa asks.

Laurel shrugged, beginning to eat. "Alright. Your's."

"It was good." Nyssa responds, digging into her own food.

Laurel nodded. "Good. Has Felicity been back to work?"

"She's been working from home the last few days, say's she's not been feeling well but can continue with work from home." Nyssa shrugged.

"Really?" Laurel said.

Nodding her head, Nyssa sighs. "I don't know what's going on with her."

"She'll tell you in her own time." Laurel said. "If it's going to affect her work, she'll tell you what's going on."

Sighing, the brunette slowly nods her head. "You're right."

Laurel continued eating. "This is so good."

"I'm glad you like it." Nyssa teases softly.

Laurel rolled her eyes and took another bite of her food.

The brunette continues eating her food.

A peaceful silence filled the room.

Once they both finish eating, Nyssa moves to get up.

"Thanks for lunch." Laurel said with a smile.

"Anytime." Nyssa responds, sending her a warm smile.

"Have a nice day." Laurel said.

"You too." The brunette responds before leaving.

Laurel returned to her desk to continue working.


"How are you feeling?" Sara asks as she sits down beside Felicity.

Felicity looked up at Sara and lifted a glass of water from the coffee table. "Okay." She shrugged. "Sick of my hormones being all over the place."

Chuckling softly, Sara kisses her forehead.

"It's not funny." Felicity muttered.

"I'm sorry baby." The blonde responds.

Felicity sighed and rubbed her slightly rounded stomach.

Pulling her close, Sara places her hand on Felicity's stomach.

Felicity leaned into Sara. "How long did Caitlin have sickness for?"

"The first few months." Sara responds with a shrug.

Felicity groaned. "I don't know how much more of this I can take. It's only been a few weeks." She complained.

Pulling her into a kiss, Sara rubs her stomach.

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