Simple Pleasures

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Running bare foot in the grass or sand,

Holding that special someone’s hand,

Admiring the mystic moon,

Humming a classic tune.

Feeling the sun’s glow on your cheek,

Entertaining that wild streak,

Melting chocolate on your tongue,

Singing your heart out to your favourite song.

Partying the night away,

Sleeping all through the day,

Sitting there watching people go by,

Enjoying that adrenaline high.

Seeing that someone you miss,

Savoring that long awaited kiss,

Looking for shapes in the stars and cloud,

Cranking the volume right up loud.

Having a gossip and a chat with a mate,

Preparing for that first ever date,

Getting together with the family,

Feeling loved, cared for and free.

These are the things we take for granted,

These are the things that keep us enchanted,

These are the things we don’t appreciate,

These aren’t the big things that decide our fate,

These are little things that just simply are,

These are the things that motivate us to go far,

These are the things that even for a little while,

 Make us do that wonderful thing called smile. 

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