Haunted Pleasure Land

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It was Thursday afternoon at SPR Mai was working on some office work when a lady with long brown hair and blue eyes came through the SPR door. Emily: Hello there is this Shibuya Psychic Research?Mai: Yes please come in. Then they were on the table. Naru had his black journal with him. Emily My name is Emily.Naru: So what seems to be the problem?Emily: Well you see I own the Pleasure Land Theme Park or my dad did, but he gave it to me. It's been closed done ever since the "1999 Horrid Accidents".Mai: I've heard of that in 1999 in the summer the rides crashed and lots of people died and the park was closed down.Emily: Yes. I have saved a lot of money to reopen the park, but there have been signs of ghosts seen by construction workers and now there too scared to rebuilt the park. So I thought I'd come to you.Naru then put his black journal on the table and got up and left the room. Naru: It's most likely just their imaginations. Good day ma'am. Naru closed the door.Emily: "Sigh". Okay.Then she got up and headed out the door.Mai thought" It's so mean how Naru just doesn't take an important case".Then Mai walked towards Emily.Mai: Wait Ms. Emily! Emily: Yes.Mai: I'll take your case.Emily: You?Mai: Yes I happen to be a Latin Physic and I've worked here for almost a year and I know how they do cases plus I've got plenty of Co-workers that can help cleanse the park.Emily: Really!Mai: Yes!Emily: Okay then your hired. She reached inside her purse and gave Mai a piece of paper. Emily: This is the address and what the park looks like.Mai: Thanks I'll call you when the spirits are gone.Emily: Thank You!! Then she left SPR.Mai thought" Okay this is my first case so I have to up my game".Naru: Mai Tea!Mai: "Sigh" Okay I'm coming. Friday morning came and Mai called the school saying that she has a case to do.Then she took a bus to "Pleasure Land". She had a huge box full of stuff she needed to solve the case.She went into the old Managers Office.Inside there was a table and a chair.Mai: Okay this is my case and I have to solve it.She set up my laptop and everything.Mai: Okay the first step is to research everything about "Pleasure Land". She started typing on her laptop.Mai thought"I feel kinda like Lin right now hehe".Mai found out that before "Pleasure Land" was built the forest next to it had an old shrine where lost souls and fox fires stayed. She also found every ride that got broken and where the people died. She then started making paper Talisman's. She printed out a map of the whole park. She went outside to the rides where people got killed and placed the paper Talisman's on them. Then she went to the shrine and was old and kinda falling apart. She put a paper Talisman on it and took a few pictures of it.The hours few by fast and she had to go back to SPR.Mai rushed over there as fast as she could. She opened the door and she got a "Your Late I need Tea" form Naru.Mai: I know I'll get it right away.Then she went to the phone to call John.John: Hello there.Mai: Hello John. It s me Mai. I have a quick question is it possible to purify a fox fire spirits and human souls at the same time? John: Yes.Mai: Cool. What would you need?John: I would use holy water and a bible or you could ask a priestess to help. Mai: Oh ok thanks.John: Wait why are you asking this?Mai: Well you see an Thursday a woman named Ms.Emily came to SPR with a case at this amusement park called "Pleasure Land" Naru didn't take the case so I did.John: Does Naru know?Mai: Nope, but this is our secret okay please don't tell. I want to see what I can do by myself okay.John: I'll try.Mai: Thank you and Goodbye.She hung up the phone and went back to work. After her shift was over she took a bus to "Pleasure Land" and went back to the office. Mai decided to sleep and see if she can have any visions. She opened her eyes and she was in the park in 1999.Mai: Wait the park is open? She walks around and she see's a few fox spirits around the same rides that were broken. They circled around them and they crashed. People: AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!Mai: It was the fox spirits that caused the accidents. Then she woke up.Mai: Oh My God the fox spirits were so mad about the park being so close to their shrine and cause noise they tampered with the rides as punishment. I've got to write this down.She wrote it down. Then she feel asleep again.Dream Naru: Mai.Mai: Oh Naru hello.Dream Naru: The fox spirits and human souls are fighting every night every since after the park closed. It's going to be chaos here so be careful.Mai: Do you think there is a way to purify them and send them to heaven?Dream Naru: Yes there is. On the night of the full moon the spirits will be visible to everyone near the park. You must purify the spirits while they are fighting. Mai: The night of the full moon? That's this weekend. Dream Naru: Which is why you must purify them bu then.Mai: Yes I'll try my best.Dream Naru: That's my girl. He smiled handsomely. Mai: Say what?! Then she woke up and wrote down everything piece of info she got from Dream Naru. She went to her laptop and started searching how to purify fox sprites and human souls at the same time. She found that she could dress up as a priestess and us a special bell like Akayo does. Luckily she brought priestess stuff with her when she went shopping with Akayo once.Mai: Let's see here the clothes, the bell, and pure water should do the trick. "Yawn".Mai thought"I'm getting tired".She then started writing down some priestess spells to help her. Mai then looked at the time it was 2 in the morning.Mai: Woah. I need to go to bed.Then she slept on the desk. That's when she had another dream.Dream Naru: Mai your going to have some company coming soon.Mai: What company?Dream Naru: You'll see.Then he disappeared.Mai slowly woke up at the desk she felt something heavy on her back. It was a thick pink blanket and there was a pillow under her head.Mai thought" Where did this blanket and pillow come from?"She leaned up and yawned.Mai thought "I feel exhausted and what did Naru mean by company?"Monk: Morning sleepy head.Mai turned around and saw SPR.Mai: Guys what are you doing here at 2 in the morning. Masako: It's 10 Mai.Yasu: I've brought you breakfast Mai. He handed her a breakfast muffin and some juice. Mai: Thanks Yasu. John: Hey there Mai.Mai: John you said you were going to keep it a secret. John: I tried, but when Naru called me to ask what me and you were talking about I had to spill. Mai: "Yawn". Guys I got this case I just have to purify the spirits when the moon rises and they'll be gone.Akayo: Mai it's too dangerous.Mai: No it isn't. This is my case and I'll finish it.Naru: Actually this is my case.Mai: No it's my case you said your weren't going to take it so I am.Naru: Well I'm the one with the business, the equipment, and the experience so I know what I'm doing. Plus I'm still your boss.Mai got up and walked towards Naru.Mai: Oh yeah well I've almost solved this case and all by myself. You didn't take this case when you could so I'm taking it. So I'm in charge.Naru stood up in front of Mai. Mai was turning red in anger.Naru: No I am.Mai: Says who?!Naru: Says your boss.Mai: You can't take my case you jerk.Naru: Yes I can.Mai: FINE!! Take It!!She sat back down. Mai then started typing up some stuff on her laptop angrily.Akayo was up by the bulletin board and saw all of Mai's work.Akayo: Mai did you figure this out all by yourself?Mai: Yeah!Monk: Well I'm so proud of you Mai doing this case all by myself and almost solving it. Mai: Yeah I guess.Naru: Mai. Tea. Mai: There is no tea maker here or any tea.Masako: I brought the tea stuff Mai.Naru: Tea. Mai.Mai: I'm busy typing up notes Naru can't you make it yourself.Naru: Lin is already typing up the notes for my case.Mai: Arugh!! Fine.Mai made the tea and gave it to him then sat back down. Akayo thought "Naru's just going to make her more mad I've got to get her out of this room".Akayo: Mai would you show me where the shrine is please?Mai: Sure.They headed off to shrine.Mai was looking kinda sad.Akayo: What's wrong Mai are scared of the spirits?Mai: No, it;s Naru why does he have to be such jerk? Akayo: Oh I know he can be annoying, but he's not that bad.Mai: He took my case and he's always making a fool out of me.Akayo: Mai I'm sure he cares, I think.Mai: Here's the shrine. Akayo: Looks pretty worn down.Mai: Yep. Akayo: So the spirits are fighting?Mai: Yes.Akayo: I should purify them tonight.Mai: Can I help? I have a priestess outfit and everything.Akayo: Sure you can.Mai: Good lets go back. Monk and the others were still at the base.Monk slammed his hands on the desk where Naru was writing in his black journal.Monk: What the heck is your problem?!?!Naru: What is it?Monk: Why did you just take Mai's case like that it's mean, wrong, and so selfish. Naru: It was a necessary business idea.Monk: Unbelievable. He walked towards the bulletin board. John: Hey Monk why don't you, me, Masako and Yasu explore the park.Monk: Good idea. The left the base leaving Lin and Naru alone. Night time came and the moon was full and bright.Akayo and Mai got dressed on their priestess outfits. Akayo: Are you ready Mai?Mai: Yes.They all went outside of the base and towards the center of the park. Everything was all silent, but then there were voices.Masako: I can see them.Monk: We can see them too. The spirits were everywhere fighting and trying to destroy each other. Akayo: Now Mai repeat what I'm saying.Mai: Right!Akayo and Mai: Pure this spirits and send them to heaven. We come here today in hopes the gods will hear our prayers and answer us. Give mercy on these dear innocent souls.They said that while swinging the gold bells around. It worked the spirits started to disappear into the moon light. Mai: Their purified and Free at last.Akayo: That's good.Masako: Yes I can't sense their presence anymore.They all looked into the moon.The next day Ms. Emily came to SPR.Ms. Emily: Thank you so much Mai. Here. She gave her a white envelope.Mai: What is it?Ms. Emily: $1,000. For your services.Mai: Oh thank you and have a nice day.Ms. Emily: You too. Then she left SPR.Mai was about to put the money in her purse when Naru stopped her.Naru: I believe that is my money.Mai: What I'm the one who took the case and helped solve it. Naru: No it was my case.Mai: FINE!! Here take it she slammed the money in his hand and took off.Naru: MAI!! Wait!!Mai: NO!!She slammed the door Naru decided to follow her.Naru: Mai please stop acting like this.Mai: You can't tell me what not to feel. Your not that kind of boss.Naru: Mai come can't we talk about this.Mai: No! I'm going home early.Naru: mai I'm sorry.Mai: What?!Naru: I'm sorry.Mai: Well Your still a jerk.Naru: I know.Mai: Alright I'll forgive you if you give me back the money and let me go home.Naru: Only if you have dinner with me at my place tonight.Mai: What??Naru: Take it or leave it.Mai: Fine I'll see you later. She grabbed the money and left.Later that day at night about 7 o'clock Mai came to Naru's apartment wearing a short yellow sparkling dress. She knocked on the door. Naru opened it. He was wearing a black tuxedo.Naru: Hello Mai.Mai: Hey ya Naru.***********************************************************The End**********************************************

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