The metting

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When you here'd that you weren't fased but then you saw a huge black cat just like the old cartoon cat show but he or it was much bigger it had limps but no bones and just then your foot his a old cup the cat he'd turned around and saw you and the cartoon mouse you ran and ran!.you where in the middle of the mall five feet away from the creature it step closer to you but before you could do anything it rapped you up with its long arms and was about to put you and the cutie mouse in its mouth until you said wait please I beg of you cartoon can't the cat put you down but said in a very scary but surprised voice How do you know my name everyone forgotten about me I said because I never forgot about you you used to be my favorite cartoon but then they shut you off.

Cartoon cat pov. I was shocked that this girl remembered me it mad me fell the slight of happiness that I didn't want to eat her so I let her speak but then I felt something like hugging I started to cry a little she said you can't talk to me a little I told her what happend she seemed shock.

Your POV. I was listening to what cartoon cat was saying while the cartoon mouse fell asleep on my lap I then made a great design and asked if he wanted to be my friend a come live with me he could still kill people but only bad peopel.
Cartoon cat.pov I was shook by what she said I was so happy I could finally have someone to be around after so many years of being alone she took
Her camera a threw it where it crashed and broke I asked why'd you do that! W/n told me so there could be no edivden because her parents always looked at he picture by the time we got out it was night there where still people out.
Narrator POV. Cartoon can turned into a realist cat and w/n. They got back home without being caught cartoon cat returned to his dorm and looked around w/n said come up stairs she showed cartoon cat her hidden basement that her parents didn't now about cartoon cat jumped in joy to see how much space it was he could get used to living like this w/n also brought cartoon mouse and told cartoon cat no eating him he then went into the basement and shut the door w/n just stared a t the mouse in here hand a just shook it off w/n gave cartoon mouse w/n's doll house that had a bedroom he was happy she said are you hungry I squeak in yes she got a couple pieces of cheese and peperment that the mouse seemed to enjoy w/n got  got ready for bed but gave cartoon cat some blankets that he stemmed to enjoy

Cliffhanger give me some inspiration please I will also fin the story and really quick the time line is aroun 2001 ok

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