🔲💎 onyx 💎🔳

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I have a lot to say:
1. So much inspo from scarlet heart and joker and other creepy imagination stuff.
3. The plot I see in my head goes like the guy is the king sometime in the joseon era and he's really evil. Like there's a serial killer out there but the people doesn't know it's actually the guy who's ruling them * evil laughs *

 Like there's a serial killer out there but the people doesn't know it's actually the guy who's ruling them * evil laughs *

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🔳💎 M E R A K I  W E EK L Y   G R A P H I C  CON 💎🔳
Entry for Contest Four - Dark History Theme

EDIT: HOLY SHMIZZLES I FORGOT TO PUT THE RESOURCES USED! Forgive my idiocy please huhu Amochichi

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