Chapter 5: Training

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Y/n POV:
Dixie: Well in that case, we've got some news for you
Y/n: What would that be?
Charli: We're going to be training you today
Y/n: Why? Payton tired of dealing with me?
Zoe: Honey, he's dealing with his father for hurting you
Y/n: Oh
Dixie: We'll be training you today and then once he's done he'll continue your training
Y/n: Great! What are we training for today?
Zoe: He wants us to prepare you for the "rage of war"
Y/n: Why?
Zoe: Surprise attacks
Y/n: Got it. When do you want to start
Dixie: As soon as your ready
Y/n: Alright let me get ready and I'll meet you back out here
I walk into the closet and find a stack of clothes with a note "Glad to have you back on your feet, have a great day today sweetheart" I smile to myself lightly before pushing it away and I get ready. I walk out and the girls stare at me.
Y/n: What?
Zoe: Damn, Payton's got good taste

Y/n: What?Zoe: Damn, Payton's got good taste

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Dixie: He really does. Even I don't have those shoes
Charli: And believe us, she has all the combat boots you could ever imagine
Y/n: Sounds nice
Zoe: We're hoping you know how to run in those though
Y/n: Obviously
Dixie: Perfect. Let's head to the training room
We head down to the elevator. We get off and continue into the room.
Zoe: Do you know what that was?
Y/n: What?
Charli: The weird glowing coming from your shirt earlier
Y/n: Nope not really to be honest with you. Do you know?
Dixie: It's not in our studies so we have no idea
Y/n: Studies?
Zoe: Twice a year we have to study for a battle mafia test
Y/n: When's the next one?
Charli: There's not another one until next year
Y/n: Okay. Shall we get started?
Dixie: Yep
She pushes a button and the room begins transforming into an obstacle course. They all look at me and Zoe hands me a gun. I give them all a ready look and Dixie starts a timer.
Dixie: Your goal is to get a kill headshot on enemy mafia members that have a higher skill level than you. Don't get shot or you'll be eliminated. I nod as I run into the course. I notice a few of the targets and sneak a headshot on all of them. I hear footsteps behind me and I quickly turn around shooting the next one. I climb up onto the barrels and jump down shooting two other targets in the process. I hear the buzzer go off and I walk out of the course. All of the girls look at me shocked.
Zoe: Okay where did that come from?
Y/n: Don't know to be completely honest with you
Joseph: I can tell you
We all sharply turn around
Z/C/D: Boss?
Joseph: That's who I am. Y/n come with me
I walk out with Joseph looking back at the girls puzzled. They return the look and I continue walking. He leads me into another room and I immediately see Payton tied to a chair. I look at him confused but he looks back at me with a stern look.
Y/n: What's going on here?
Joseph: I'm sure you'd love to know Y/n. You see my son decided to threaten me and I've had enough of it. He's decided to act this way because of you
Y/n: So why is he tied to a chair?
Payton: Y/n don't listen to anything he is saying to you
I turn back to Joseph to see him glaring at Payton.
Joseph: So to show him what it means to be a mafia boss, he can say goodbye to his weakness
I bolt out of the room and run to where the girls are. I hear gunshots behind me as I run back to the training room.
Zoe: Woah girl what's the rush?
Y/n: Joseph's trying to kill me
Dixie: We'll distract him, get out of here
I run into the course and sneak out the door as soon as Joseph runs in. I immediately run back to the room Payton's in and I run in locking the door behind me. Payton looks relieved to see me and I quickly untie him.
Payton: Are you alright? Did he hurt you?
Y/n: No but we don't have much time before he realizes that I'm back in here
Payton sneaks us both out of the room and runs to the elevator. He pushes the button for the 3rd floor.
Payton: There's a special room on the 3rd floor. We'll be safe there
We get off of the elevator and Payton leads me to the room. He makes sure I go in first before running behind me and locking the door behind him.
Y/n: Can you please explain to me what's going on?
Payton: My father is mad because he's noticed that I have emotions and he's noticing my feelings for you. He doesn't like it so he's trying to get rid of my emotions by getting rid of what brought them back
Y/n: Payton I'm so sorry
Payton: It's not your fault Y/n. He's insane
Suddenly the place around my rib starts glowing again and I look down at it then back up at Payton with a worried look. He looks down at me worried. Suddenly I get a major headache, I drop to the ground with Payton quick to catch me. He feels around my ribs where the glowing is coming from
Payton: The chip
Y/n: What?
Payton: He forced the surgeon to install a chip into your rib
Y/n: Why my rib?
Payton: It's easier and quicker to install than your brain
Y/n: Okay well what does this mean?
Payton: Y/n hand me your gun before it's too late
Y/n: Too late for what
Payton: Just trust me
That's the last thing I hear before I lose my vision and all power to my actions. I don't know what I'm doing anymore

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