Chapter one 'To Save'

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Female #1 POV

A woman stares at an orb, thoughts swirling inside her mind, of beginnings and of conclusions that could or could not happen at any time. Above and around her are different color strings, some are conjoined with other strings at a certain point. Each with their own destiny that she created, though the deity of fate was not concerned with every piece of string around her, even if they are muggles or magical, of animal or creature. Most living beings have heard of her, fear her even. They tend to call her Lady Fate. But she prefers one name and one name only, Asone is her chosen name in the Druid language. Asone carefully looked up to a brightly golden string of a little, magical girl. Intwine with so many strings at certain points of her life. For better or for worse. The girl was going to have a horrible life, full of uncertainty and sadness. Though Lady Fate would have chosen her subjects' lifestyle, she barely had no control over this string that is also called Harriet Potter, cut in the middle only to begin again. And that she had no control over the strings that are connected to it, well only at the focal points where they are around this tiny girl. Even if she is unable to guide the lost soul to her version of a better life, yet Asone can not create another Prophecy so soon usually Prophecies serve as a warning. And Asone can only create one prophecy every two decades, unless it was really important to know, like with that Chosen One Prophecy, but one idiot has completely derailed the damn Prophecy. And had a false Chosen One chosen. She felt the ward of their home goes off, and before a Reaper could even inform her of what going on, Asone knows of what has happened, and can't help but feel disgusted.

Woman #2 POV

The woman sighs as she tended to her plants, who is preening under her attendant, Most magical call her Lady Life, and Master of the Light, though she is disgusted at how the 'Light' side is offsetting this scale, and how dangerous it has become. She likes the name Yelia though, which is Druid in nature, after all, her siblings and she were born as Druids once upon a time. Though her plants are whispering to her, telling her of a mortal girl, thrown away because she wasn't 'chosen'. Yelia is disgusted at the old man, who Asone had once complain before starting complaining about a string in which she had no control over. Her siblings and her hated abuse of any kind, and Child Abuse was a sure way of getting on their bad side permanently. Though then the Ward of their Heavenly Home, went off, and one of the Reapers had come to inform of something that chilled Yelia to the bone...

Man #1

The man was in a vast library, reading one of the darker tomes they had at hand, his magic careless flip the page. He goes by many names by his people, they often times call him Magic, but his siblings called him Xidur, Lord of Magic, Master of the Grey. He felt the wards inject two people in, and before long, a reaper has come...

Man #2 POV

The man is dressed in all black and carries a cane, though he has no use or needs for it, both magical and muggle fear him and even curse him, they call him Death, but his sibling and he prefer the name Cyteus, Lord of Death, Master of the Dark. He was currently sitting on the fence, watching a young child that had piqued his interest. The young child in question was tending to the back-yard flowers, pulling out weeds and such. Sometimes she whimpers in pain, her hands covered in scars at the moment. But then the Child looks at him, those cursed green eyes staring at him. She babbles something to him, but he can sorta make it out, the child was asking who he was, but Cyteus is slightly surprised that the child can see him, no other living creature could really see him. Expect of cats, but they always stare at him to make him slightly freak out and uncomfortable. ". "It's 'Who are you?" Cyteus speak, jumping down from the fence and walking over to her, "Can you repeat that." He asks again, "Who...Are...You?" The girl asks after her 10th time, she must have been trying to self-teach herself how to talk. But Cyteus doesn't really care. "I'm someone who wants to be your friend." He said, smiling gently at her, the girl's face lit up. "Rlly?" She asks, "It's 'Really' darling." Cyteus softly said usually the Lord of Death doesn't really have time to make friends, but this girl was an exception. Just then the horse-face woman screamed at the girl, who looked away, letting Cyteus to slipped into out...

When in a few days, Cyteus had marked the girl, who called herself either 'Girl' or 'Freak'. Which pains him. Though one day, he was trying to sort the passing souls, when he felt pain ripple through him, and his thoughts turned to the girl, where he dropped everything at hand and rushed to the girl. And the only thing he saw was blood, splatter across tiles and the bathtub, with her fat uncle hover over her, purple in the face, and Cyteus lost his chill for the first time in a hundred years, and he took the Uncle, Aunt and the fat whale of a cousin's soul, after killing the, of course, and sent them straight to Hades. Before gathering the weaken and almost dead child in his arms, there was a soft pop behind him, and a soft gasp, one of his reapers had come to see what was going on, and he knew exactly who was. "Beth, tell my siblings that I'm bringing home a child." He said as he lifts up the child. The Reaper nod before vanishing, and soon after Cyteus vanished as well, with the child to head to his room, where he gently set the child on his bed and started summoning healing items, and started healing the child, after a while, another set of hands appear, he briefly looked up to see Yelia, helping him save this innocent child. And the two went about and saved the child from near death...

Yelia POV

Yelia, now cover in blood, sigh in relief at having saved the child. Though Cyteus was also cover in blood, some of it was of the family that dare hurt the tiny child and of the child herself. She can't help, he flopped down onto a chair, near the window, putting his face in his hands. Though the door of Death's room swings open to show their other two siblings, Asone and Xidur, "Are you out of your mind Cyteus!" She barks out. "The Child was barely alive," Cyteus spoke, muffled by his hands, his tone emotionless and void, which tells Yelia at how much he is tired. Then Asone face softens, before going over to Cyteus and kneeing down, "And I thank you for rescuing the child." Asone spoke softly, Cyteus drops his hands, only to put them under his chin, "She not going back to the mortal world." Cyteus said, Asone looked at him surprised, "She can't stay here, Cyteus, not unless..." Asone began only to look at him shocked, "Please tell me you didn't mark her." Yelia showed a face of surprise at the sentence that fell from her Sister's lips. And shown even more surprise when her brother nodded his head. "Why the hell would you mark a child, they barely have the power to even handle being a Champion." Xidur spoke, "She has the power, and even more if she defeated that idiot who thought it was a good idea to split his soul 6 times!" Cyteus spoke.

Asone POV

" She has the power, and even more if she defeated that idiot who thought it was a good idea to split his soul 6 times!" Cyteus spoke, Asone flinch, while Asone also didn't have control over Tom Riddle's string, she can't help but feel guilty. If she had control over Tom Riddle, then she would have stopped him from falling down the dark path. Yet maybe this was how to correct this mess that bound the two together, Asone carefully walked over to the sleeping child, "Would you mind sharing the Champion brother dearest?" Asone asks, Cyteus looked at her, studying her as she was a puzzle, Yelia seems to catch on what was Asone was asking, jumping in her own request to have the tiny girl that shouldn't be so tiny as her Champion as well...

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