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Melanie Gray was born into a poor family which means she didn't have the same mindset as most growing children. She was always happy and people didn't know why after all she had been living horribly but she just smiled as an answer .

At a young age her parents noticed that she was a great listener and adviser , they didn't take it into thought until a day when Melanie came home with money in her hands . They learnt that a kind woman had given her the money for her advice .

And that was how the Gray Therapy for all business started . People would make appointments with Melanie's parents and she would do her thing .

You might be wondering how people would just suddenly start going to therapy lessons with a little girl who would probably just tell her parents about everything when the session was done .

Well that wasn't the case for Melanie . She was an excellent secret keeper , this was discovered in 3rd grade  when she was caught by one of Greta Keene's minions who the girl confiding in about her depression of her mother's disappearance . Gretta Keene's secret wasn't exposed and that made the girl in particular trust Melanie .

Greta helped the Gray business by speeding rumors about how good Melanie was at therapy and parents believed it so much that they began booking appointments with Melanie's parents rapidly . 

Her growing business helped her to make a lot of friend's which included the Loser's club who came for group and singles therapy and the Bower's gang who also came for group and singles therapy . Adults also ,  once in a while also would come for therapy and be pleased with the sessions . She was highly recommended by all in Derry and praised for her skills .

Now that everyone in Derry knew about her good advice and ability to not snitch . Melanie walked the halls in the school with a new sense of pride and calmness .

She knew she had the lower to bring anyone to their knees with the amount if secrets she kept but yet she didn't . Melanie was still the same kind hearted girl as she was before and the people if Derry admired her .

Everything was going good for Melanie and she thought it wouldn't get better but she was proved wrong in 5th grade  during the day that Bill denbrough was scheduled for speech therapy with her .

Melanie hadn't done speech therapy before and she had only seen the denbrough boy during group sessions with the loser's club but she still didn't back down from a challenge . And so brought forth the crush that  would change her life .

Melanie was the one who Bill confined in during the times of Georgie's disappearance and she tried everything to make him feel better but it still wasn't enough , so when Bill approaches her about the sightings of his brother she supports him and agrees to help him which led to her going the loser's club and also resulting her to be put on a certain clown's raider .

Authors Note

Melanie's office looks like this for the singles room .

Melanie's office looks like this for the singles room

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