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[Ari’s POV]

“As you all must know, we have a new student here… Actually not so new student. May I welcome Arianna Williams!” the stupidest teacher in my life announced. Seriously? Everyone suddenly turned to stare at me and I could hear a lot of people whispering among themselves. I feel many stares boring into my back, but none as prominent as the dark eyed brunette who broke my heart 2 years ago. Tristan looked as hot as I remembered, perhaps even more so, but when I looked at him just now in the hallway when he was coming on to me I felt nothing, aside from the shock of seeing him again. It was amazing really, I thought I would have been heartbroken and hurting, but looking at him just brought back good memories, which was welcome after everything I had been through the past 2 years.

The past 2 years were not as bad as I make out to be I guess, it was just more… surreal? I was appointed the keeper of Sight, which had its pros and cons. The pros were enhanced vision and “aura spotting”, which was pretty much useless for everything except for seeing who belonged with who, or in other words, soul mates. Everyone’s aura colour was different, and only soul mates had colours identical to each other. The cons were the constant danger of being caught and killed as many people were after me for my powers, and the occasional hard life, especially when I had to go through my final test for the past 6 months and lost my sight, having to depend on other senses to study in another high school. Suffice to say that the bullying I endured when I was Tristan’s “nerdy best friend” was nowhere as cruel as being the “new, blind girl” and I was glad I had passed that test. Of course, I did make friends along the way, such as Lily, my best friend from that high school who stood by me no matter what and who now knows what I am, and of course the keepers of the other senses. Long story short, we were 5 teenagers who were selected to keep guard of the Goddess’ senses and basically protect the world from harm, though not anything serious, but more of small favours like ensuring people with same auras got together, like in my case, and of course other favours for the other keepers. Up till today I am still unsure why I was chosen, but of course I won’t take advantage of it.

“Miss Williams? Miss Williams!” Mr Harris raised his voice, startling me and sending me back into reality. I looked up inquisitively and he sighed. “I repeat, can you please introduce yourself, for example tell us about your hobbies or something?” I nodded and stood up. “Sorry, um I’m Arianna, as most of you know,” I started, glancing around to see a few unfamiliar faces, “and I like swimming I guess, and baking. May I sit down now?” I asked, and he agreed, effectively dismissing me.

I spent the whole homeroom lesson, which was for the whole period until lunch period, stoning out and just pretending to be listening, and when the lunch bell rang I hastily made my way out of the classroom, eager to go for lunch and meet Maria, the keeper of Smell, who was the only keeper in my school, unfortunately. All of a sudden a hand pulled my arm and I turned around to face Tristan, who had an annoyed expression on his face. “ARI! Where have you been for the last 2 years? I’ve missed you!” he screamed, pulling me in for a hug. “Um, I’ve been… Around I guess, my mum sent me to another school a few states away.” I lied, pulling away from him. He frowned in confusion, probably because my mother did not tell him anything of that sort since she had no idea I was back yet though she knew what was going on in my life, but shook his head and smiled, grabbing my right hand and tugging me to his side. Even though I was happy to see him after so long, I had to ask him about the conversation between him and Summer the last time. “Just asking, Tristan, can you remember the last time you saw me?” he looked at me thoughtfully and said “Yes, I dropped you off right?” Surprised that he remembered but determined to know, I continued. “Can you remember the conversation you had with Summer after that?” he thought and suddenly his face was filled with horror and his eyes bugged out. “YOU HEARD? I’m so sorry, Ari, I-” he looked down at his hands, ashamed. He abrubtly looked up, staring at me in disbelief. “Is that why you went to another school, because you couldn’t stand me? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it I was trying to placate Summer!” “Did you mean it?” “Yes. Wait-” “It’s okay, I know now.” I interrupted and I walked off, leaving him standing there still shocked. I knew he did mean it at that time and Summer was being a bitch, but the thought that he would place his girlfriend before his best friend just sickened me. I briefly wondered if he was still together with Summer, but shook off the thought and continued to the cafeteria to meet Maria.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! I know some people are reading this story, and I would like to take this chance to thank you guys for your time and votes! And I would also like to give special thanks to ohbaby22 for the wonderful wonderful cover photo(or whatever you call it). Hope you guys like this- I'm sure you didn't expect this as the reason for why Ari left, but its all part of the story. Please comment/vote! :)

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