chapter five: secret stalker?

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Kenzie's POV

Tamra leads me though the long hallways, until she finally finds a room. The door is labeled
'Food and Drinks' Inside there was a fridge, a microwave and a few couches. Tamra sat down and patted the spot next to her.

"Come on" she chirped.

"So, Katy really likes you." A million things rush through my head. Why me? In what way? I haven't kissed a girl and I don't think I would to.

"don't worry, not in that way." I internally let out a sigh of relief. I am 16 and she's 29 and Katy Perry!

"She just wants you on the team." I'm honoured but I'm Australian, I live here, I have a family and a school and friends. I wasn't going to drop everything to on some rainbow filled tour with Katy Perry.

"Look Tamra I'm honoured but-"

"Yeah I know, you're only 16 and you live here and blah blah blah. Hear me out. Katy wants to do something special for her fans who have been there for her ages and maybe haven't had their chance to meet her. She wants to have a secret meet up with 100 katycats. I told her she was crazy but she wouldn't listen."

"That's a good idea but I don't see where I come in?" I look at Tamra and she has that smirk on again.

"You, are going to make a fake katycat Identity. It's obvious you aren't a major fan a-"

"Hey! I appreciate her music and I like her as a human." I said in defence.

"I know I know. But what we thought was, you make all the fan accounts on Tumblr and Twitter and Instagram and report back to katy usernames and screenshots." Is this legal?

"Tam I don't thin-"

"Please, just think about it." Tamra hands me a piece of paper with a number on it.

"When you decide, call this number. The show's going to start soon so we better head back." I stand up awkwardly and rub my palms together, as I walk out he door.

"Well, good chat. I'm just going to go now." Tamra let out a laugh.

"Don't be awkward now, I'll help you back because we both know you will get lost."
I gave Tamra a look and began walking.


Kenzie's POV (still)

So, now I'm crammed in a little triangle inside Katy's stage. I'm pressed against bodies and the stage. Alaska made sure we had spots up against the stage and trust me, when that girl wants something she gets it. She held a sign that said "#SELFIE" in hopes she would get a picture with katy. I doubt she will get one but I wasn't going to be the one to break it to her. Plus she already has like 300 from the meet and greet.

The support act finished about an hour ago and katy was about to come on stage. The lights went down and the sounds and lights started. Soon the music began to play and Katy rose up. Everyone went mad but I just stared in awe at how different she looks. She doesn't look like the girl I saved from paparazzi or the girl who I saw in the hallway or the girl who got me out of trouble from the security guard.
She owned the stage and made everyone else in the area disappear. All eyes and ears were on her, and honestly, she looked beautiful. I could finally see why all these people called themselves katycats.

Katy really worked the audience. She pumped everyone up and finally she came over to us.

"hey, reflection selection! How are all my children?!?"

All her children? she's an odd one, but nobody else found this weird. They cheered and that was when Katy made eye contact with me. I saw realisation rush over her as she smiled.

"I want you ALL to have a good time, wether you are a parent that has been dragged along,"

Katy broke eye contact.

"Or a friend that has been dragged along." Then back at me.

"Let's all have a good time together. All as one!" And then the music took over and she fully committed herself to the vocals, which were beautiful and perfectly executed.

The show went on and I did find myself entertained. Obviously I didn't scream or dance or anything but I watched and took it all in.

'I could be apart of all this'

'I could work for this woman'

'I could be on her team.'

Thoughts flooded my mind, but I shook them away. I would never of thought those things a few weeks ago.

It was a break in between costume changes and Alaska looked over me.

"You doing okay?"

"What? oh yeah I'm fine."

"Fine? you're at a Katy perry concert! live a little kenz, get into it. You probably won't see her ever again." if only she knew.

"I am, I am very entertained and she's a very beautiful woman."

"That's better!" She nudged me and I couldn't help but smile.

Boom, katy was back on stage in a pastel-rainbow dress and sparkly hood. This was the part were she really connects with the fans.

She began talking about selfies and how it's a spreading disease. I must admit she's pretty hilarious too. Suddenly, she turns around to were we are standing.

"I wanna take a selfie. Right here. Right now. And so does this young lady!" She points to Alaska and sprints up to us.
She crouched down to us and I could feel the heat coming off her body, she was so close. Katy took Laskas phone and opened the camera.

"Let's take an ussy!" No. no. no. no. Really? isn't this just fantastic?! why me? why me? why me?

Katy counts down and smiles I can't help but laugh at how cliché and stupid this is.

"There you go Darlin'"

Katy hands the phone back to Alaska and makes eye contact with me as she sighed and stood up. A smug look on her face.

"That was fun!"

After around ten more minutes of chatting with the crowd. She continues on with the show.

All through the show katy kept looking over at me for only brief moments and every time she did I just rolled my eyes.

When she sang unconditionally she came up real close and grabbed Alaska's hand which was up and then reached out to mine. I put it up and she squeezed really tight and I just let my hand be limp in hers as I laughed at how pathetic she was being, pretending that I was a fan who actually wanted this.


For the final song, Katy came out in a massive dress with fireworks all over it. She sang firework of course, and everyone was jumping up and down with her. She turned to us and saw I wasn't jumping.


She yelled in between two lines, she made it seem as if it was for everyone but we both knew it was for me. I gave in jumped, katy crinkled her nose and walked away. What am I going to do? I think I might be having fun... At a Katy Perry concert...

"All we have is this moment
Tomorrow's unspoken
Yesterday is history
So why don't you be here with me?"

-This moment, by Katy Perry

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