Jessica's quirk

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Quirk: Mosquito paralysis
Just like in her previous world, she can control any mosquitos around her. The mosquitos have a few different abilities than before. With the choice of two(2) different mosquitos, Jessica can either just suck the blood or she can paralyze the victim so that they don't move.
She gets stronger and heals quicker the more blood she has. She can not transform to her blood powered up state like in the anime One Punch Man(the red instead of white patterns), instead excess blood transforms into mosquitos for her to use. Can hide wings and mosquito parts. The extra legs(hair parts) are stronger than the rest of her body. Has a pair of fangs in her mouth that is like a straw for her to eat blood.

Drawbacks: needs blood daily to survive, painful transforming from hiding mosquito form, and cases of clinginess to the one with 'tastiest blood.

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