Episode 9: Home Temporary Home

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A/N: I missed two saturdays and today isnt even saturday 🙃 But since when have I ever been able to keep a steady updating schedule lololol. #disappointedbutnotsurprised.


There was no detail in the room that I could make out. No matter how hard I looked it was like I couldn't form a coherent thought or mental picture on it. Not that it really mattered. There was only one thing in the room that made sense and it was the only thing I truly cared about. It was a man, knelt in the center of the room, his face pointing downward. Still, I recognized his black hair, blue tie, and the bright red blood pooling on the stark white floor surrounding him.

"Cas?? Cas!" I cried out to him desperately, and my voice sounded distant and warped. My feet felt like they were glued to the floor. No matter how much I tried to rush to him my body wouldn't listen. "Castiel!"

He was hurt. Badly. There was so much blood. It soaked his white button up shirt, dripped from his face. I struggled against the invisible force that held me back, and when I finally overcame it still, I couldn't reach him. Every step I did manage to take Castiel got further away.

Castiel let out a pained gasp and his face lifted to stare at me. I came to a screeching halt as his eyes began to glow a blinding white blue. Suddenly, the shadow of two large, black wings unfurled from behind his back. They stretched out a good five or six feet on either side of him.

"C—Cas?" I breathed in shock. He screamed in pain and the shadow of those wings shattered and cracked into black glass that rained down around him. Castiel collapsed and barely caught himself by his hands. "Cas!" I sprinted forward and this time I made traction. When I got close, I slid to my knees to try and help him. My hands shot out to grasp his face, but he wouldn't look up, "Cas, you gotta let me look at you. Let me help you!"

Warm blood ran through my fingers as I finally got him to turn his face up to me.


When his face turned up to face me it was suddenly no longer Castiel. Instead, I held Rick's face as he bled out in front of me. My blood ran cold in shock and worry. He lifted a shaky hand to grab my wrist.


Rick had a large gash that cut across his left temple up to his forehead. His nose was broken and his lip busted. The discoloration and swelling of his right eye made me think his cheekbone was broken as well.

"Rick. What happened?? Who did this to you?"

Rick's eyes left mine to stare at something over my shoulder. He swallowed and nodded once, "Him."

I spun around and came face to face with the black figure. It tilted its head, a throaty growl filling the air, and before I could scream it lunged.

I sat up in bed panting. My hands clutched the sheets around me as I tried desperately to find my place. The room around me was empty. It was the same bedroom I had fallen asleep in. There was an ache that stemmed from my lower back and spread throughout the rest of my body. There was no darkness, there was no bleeding friends. I was alone, and we were safe.

It was just a nightmare.

Just a nightmare.

I wrapped my arms around myself, running my hands down my arm in a poor attempt to wipe away the goosebumps that had formed there. I knew it was just a terrible dream, but my still felt like it was getting ready to burst out of my chest. There was sunlight streaming through the sheer curtains covering my window, but the light offered no warmth. In fact, I felt colder than ever. Like there was a chill in my body that would never fade.

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