Dead Man's Trials

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Kenma Pov

Shoyo growls, I could tell by the look in his eye he wanted to hurt him

"Shoyo!" I grab his arm

"Tsukki!" Tadashi grabs his arms

"Don't you see what's going on!?" Fuller yells "Trick wants this to happen! He wants to rip our alliance apart!"

"If we want to get out of here we have to focus" Kendrick nods "We can't be at each other's throats!"

Tsukishima looked at them before looking at me and Shoyo "Go on Hinata, you think you're sooo smart, get us out of here..."

"I-I will" Shoyo tells him "I-I just-"

"Useless!" Tsukishima pulled out of Tadashi's grasp "If anyone's a Deku it's not Midoriya! It's you!" He pushed Shoyo who then pushed into me and we both hit the wall

"Tsukki!" Tadashi yells "Did you not hear Fuller and Kendrick? We have to work together!"

Bokuto helps Shoyo up and Tadashi helps me up "Are you guys okay?" Bokuto asked us

We both nod "Yeah, I probably hit a button or something, I felt something push into the wall when I hit it"

"Button?" I go back to the wall and feel around it before pushing in one of the tiles and a door opens with more stairs "Tsukishima! Shoyo! Great job!"

"Huh?" Tsukishima tilts his head "Um... Thanks?"

"Come on lads" Halstead says "The only way be down... Again" He walks down and we follow him "Cap'n! Something be down here!"

We all come down and see more writing on the wall "They made a smart choice making this site their Hideout, heard no one makes it through here" Fuller hums "Let's see... 'If your prize is what you wish to claim, then these trials you must tame'"

Kendrick stands next to him "'Trials ahead you must best, Courage, Wisdom, and Strength to test'"

"Hey!" I pull out the paper again "Exactly what this said! Those who complete the trials three, the treasure they soon shall see, Go to the cave visited by Pirates of past, only the truest of Pirates will last..." I put the paper away "Courage, Wisdom and Strength, those are the tests!"

"Let's get through it" Shoyo says "If Trick and his Crew made it through, it's clearly doable"

"One problem, It says only true Pirates will last" I remind "All of us here aren't real Pirates, only Kendrick, Halstead and Fuller"

"Ye will never know unless you try" Halstead says

Kendrick nods "Aye! Let's get our friends back!"

We all nod and walk forward

"This is so cool!" Bokuto says "Do you think it's man made?"

"That looks to be the case" Fuller looks around "This isle was inhabited by Pirates of the past so I wouldn't be surprised"

Up ahead their were stones arranged in a pattern in which they had to be jumped too.

"Parkour..." I say "Had to be Parkour..."

Shoyo jumps on the first stone "They're sturdy! Let's jump across!" He jumps again

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Let's get going!" Bokuto jumps after him

The rest of us jump after them, that's when Tsukishima spoke up "Um, guys I wouldn't look down..."

And against his words, we all look down, there was nothing below us. Just a dark pit of nothing, me and Tadashi imidiatly start looking back up "If this is the test of courage, I'm failing" Tadashi says

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