Chapter 1

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I jolted upright in my bed and gasped for air. When i stopped hyperventilating a felt around on my back for a stab wound. Feeling nothing i let out a deep breath of relief and laid back down to calm down.

Just as i did my phone rang and played safe and sound by taylor swift. I picked it up.


"Hello Angela." A deep dark voice said.

"Um who's this?"

"You will find out soon enough..." and he hung up...

I put down my phone and got up getting dressed. I grabbed my coat and walked outside to a nearby abandoned park. I sat on the swing i usually sat at and swung back and forth... It was so dark... The sky was again,like in my dream black...

I sat there for a while listening to crazy crazy by Madison ellis and slowly swinging bak and forth... As i was swinging a small child about five or six walked up. I smiled at him and he sat in the swing beside me and attempted to swing, failing and just kicking his legs trying to make it go.

" Do you want help..? "

The small boy nodded smiling and i stood up and begun to push him. He giggles and every now and then would yell

"Higher big sissy highter!!" I would smile and push him higher.

" Hehe!" He looked back at me and smiled.

" Nice to meet you angela..."

My eyes grew wide and i froze. He smirked at m and jumped off of the swing landing on the ground safely and i started shaking... On his back were a pair of raven black wings... His hair was raven black as well... His eyes were blood shot red and his teeth sharp... Slowly he grew taller and more muscular..

As he took a step towards me i instinctively ran. When i thought i was far enough away i turned around as i was running and bumped into something, falling on my back and hitting my head on the hard cold ground.

When i opened my eyes above me was the demonic man. He smirked and picked me up. I tried to scream but he latched his hand firmly over my mouth i struggles and finally gave up.

"Hmph... Good kitty..."

I growled and he chuckled.

"Just calm down angie. I will take care of you. "

He started to walk and i laid in his arms helplessly. After a while he chuckled again.

" What are you laughing about idiot."

He glared at me with a smirk

"You look so cute when your all helpless. "

I gave him a hmph and he dropped me on the ground.

" What did you do that for you idiot!"

" Well your heavy. I got tired of carrying you. And dont try to run. I will just catch you again anyway. "

I thought about it for a moment and stopd up sighing.

" why are you not asking where we are going? Why are you not running and trying to Get away? "

I looked down sadly.

"Its a long story..."

"Well we have time. "

He sat down on a bench and looked at me. I sighed and sat beside him.

"So this is how it begins..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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