How you hurt me (part 11)

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** back at Jughead trailer
Betty*reading off credit card numbers*
Jughead: Toni I had no idea you could do this that fast
Toni: what can I say I'm inspired*laughs*
Betty*reads off a number*
Toni*types it in* wait betty can you repeat that?
Betty*repeats it*
Toni: no shit*looks at the screen shocked*
Cheryl: what TT?
Jughead*looks over* holy hell
Cheryl and Betty: what? Who?
Toni*looks at betty* it's Sweet Pea and Fangs
Betty: seriously?
Jughead: I'm gonna kick there asses
All: same

**at the serpent meeting
Jughead: Sweet Pea and Fangs can y'all come talk to me?
Fangs: why?
Toni*grabs him* cause the bosses wanna see you
Cheryl*grabs sweet pea*
Sweet Pea: Bosses?
Cheryl: well Betty and Jughead of course
Sweet Pea*mutters* shit
**in the trailer
Betty: so sweet pea and fangs care to explain why this*throws camera on table* was in Jugs room
Fangs: I've never seen that so no
Jughead*comes around and puts his hand on bettys back* oh really cause you used a credit card registered to you*points to sweet pea*
Sweet Pea: so what?
Betty: so did y'all video us?
Sweet pea: yep we did, why does it matter?
Jughead: cause digbat the video leaked, did y'all do that?
Sweet pea: nope I didn't
*they look at fangs*
Betty*goes over and whispers to him* we have your ass no matter what so might as well tell all truths now
Fangs: I DID IT
Jughead*high fives betty*
Toni*comes up behind sweet pea and fangs* y'all are dumb, you know that
Betty: why the hell did y'all do that?
Sweet pea: I have my reasons
Toni: well we want to know them
Sweet pea: I'm not telling
Fangs*gets annoyed* I will, Sweet Pea loves Betty and he thought that if he did that y'all would break up so he videoed y'all. But then he couldn't go through with it so I did
Sweet Pea: FANGS
Fangs: see it's true
Betty: is it Sweet Pea?
Sweet Pea*looks away* yeah
Jughead: why didn't you just tell us?
Sweet Pea: cause it wouldn't fix anything
Jughead: dude I'm sorry but y'all have to be kicked out of the serpents. Y'all violated laws
Fangs: I understand
Betty: good

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