Episode 3 - Terrors Of The Deep

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Scene 1

Reed, Sue, and Bed are driving around Central City, California, looking for Johnny.

Reed: Okay, how many places have we checked off now?

Sue: Almost all of our list. Where could he be?

Ben: Does it matter? He wanted to leave the team, so why don't we just let him.

Reed: He has flame powers, which can be highly dangerous if we're not around to keep him under control? Who knows what he'll do.

Sue: And...

Reed: And he's a friend and a valuable member of the team, too.

Ben: Well I think it's pretty obvious that we're not going to find him. Why don't we just let him come crawling back to us?

Sue: Johnny's not the type to beg for forgiveness, exactly. We'd have a better chance of him burning down the city before that happened.

Ben: Well he has no right to be angry. At least he can control when he turns into fire. I look like this all the time, whether I like it or not.

Reed: You know I'm working on that, Ben. It's practically become my day job.

Ben frowns.

Ben: Day job... hmm. I think I know where to find Johnny.

Fantastic Four intro plays.

Scene 2

An auto worker walks up to a car that has feet sticking out from under it.

Auto worker: Ay, Johnny! I got another one for you once you're done with that one.

Johnny: Got it. Thanks, Pablo.

Pablo: Also, there's someone here to see you.

Johnny: Oh, great. Tell 'em to go away.

Pablo: Ah, I think you'll have to do that yourself. I ain't saying no to this guy.

Johnny rolls out from under the car and stands up. He turns and is suddenly face to face with Ben.

Johnny: I'm not interested in your apology, Ben. Go back to the Terrible Three. That's what's left after I took the Fantastic out.

Ben: I'm not here to apologize.

Johnny: Great! Then get out.

Ben steps forward.

Ben: No. You don't tell me what to do.

Johnny readies himself.

Johnny: Watch it, Benny Boy. You really do not want to pick a fight with me.

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