Messing with my family

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Wilbur POV

i got up and stretched, the warm sun rays hitting my face as i looked around my room. clothes were scattered everywhere, but when were they not? it was just turning day, as i finally got out of my bed. i pushed my hair out of my face as i began to rush to the bathroom. if anyone was gonna shower first, it was gonna be me!

i shut the door behind me, making sure not to wake anyone else up at this ungodly school hour. as i turned on the water i could hear one figure in my hour wake up.

shit... that has to be Tommy, here we go again.

Tommy POV

i got out of bed and heard a door shut but i shrugged it off, could just be Phil leaving. but it didnt sound like the front door? it was too close to my room... could it be Techno? thats what i thought before hearing the shower turn on. i walked over to the bathroom door and stood in front. "ugh, get out the bathroom before i wake up Techno! we dont lock doors in the morning! open up!" i calmly said knocking on the door. it took a few minutes before the door unlocked. 

"took you long enough" i said in a whiny tone, receiving an eye roll from Wilbur. "you done yet? let just do what we gotta so we can get out" Wilbur said, hopping back into the shower. "ok"

Techno POV

do those nerds see my note? im already standing at the entrance of the school. like- i left them a note in the bathroom that said

to nerds

i went to school early so i wouldnt be late

yes im that paranoid

so im just chilling at school

sincerely Potato King

im gonna be real surprised if they dont see it, matter of fact im gonna question their abilities to see. i was basically sitting in front of the school on my phone before seeing a shadow cast over me, actually a few shadows.


"yes?" i respond, not looking up from my phone. i guess that ticked the person off. they lifted my head with their shoe, which disgusted me way too much. i looked up to see 3 people from the sports team that i used to be friends with for a little, "what do you want Zak?". "nothing much, just wanted to know when you became such a nerd? and why you ditched us for a good record?" i rolled my eyes before looking him dead in the eyes, "1, im not a nerd, im just smart. 2, i ditched you guys because i didnt want to end up like you guys, not for a better record. plus i wanted to make my brother proud".

i looked down at my phone typing away to Tommy who was blowing up my phone. "ill take that" i heard Vincent say as the snatched my phone out of my hand, looking through my messages, "wait no, give that back!" i said getting up and reaching for my phone which was now passed over to Darryl who almost dropped it. "just give it back" i said not wanting to sound like i was begging. "Nope, were gonna keep your phone, have fun" Zak said before leaving, Darryl and Vincent following not too far behind.

god i hate those guys

now i had to sit here and wait till i see them again.

Wilbur POV

Tommy and i finally arrived to the school, seeing a bummed out Techno. that could only mean one thing. i tapped Tommy's shoulder and pointed out that Techno was sad, making him sprint over. i raced over to him and we sat next to Techno.

"you ok man?" i asked getting a side glade from Techno before he sighed, "yeah man what happened" Tommy added. Techno finally lifted his head looking at us before speaking up "they took my phone...", "who? whose phone? not yours! they aint pay no bill" i said looking around for a pink phone case.

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