random facts about me 2

11 0 3

This is kinda depressing so don't read if you don't want to
Tw,s***ide suicidehomophobic slurs,self harm,and mentions of dysphoria I guess




1.) I cry almost every day because of my wonderful dysphoria

2.) I'm saving money for top surgery even though I won't be able to get it for years

3.) When I came as bisexual my friend told me that bisexuality isn't real and that I was probably just a d***

4.) I once cut my wrist so deep that it didn't stop bleeding for hours and it was still bleeding when I left for school in the morning

5.)  I cut the part of my body that my binder goes on(I'm not stating what is it but it's pretty clear)

6.)  One time at 2 am I grabbed a knife and seriously considered cutting my t*** off  myself because my dysphoria was so bad then I decided not to because I realized how stupid that was

7.)  Some stupid part of me still likes the girl that made me realize I liked girls

8.)  I have attempted s***ide once but I sadly failed

9.) On a less depressing note,My mom is 4th generation Mexican-American and my dad is an immigrant from El Salvador

10.) People often think that I'm asian or Mexican and white which I find interesting

11.) I am in over 6 cults and am the leader of 2

12.) I am trying to learn Asl and witchcraft

13.) I am an atheist

14. The first person I dated was a lesbian

15.) I may or may not be questioning my sexuality again,like I know that I'm asexual but I'm not sure if I'm bi or trixix which I probably spelled wrong

16.) My brother think I'm aromantic

17.) I have a tendency of ripping my hair out which is bad but oh well

18.) My cousins have tried to murder me

19.) Me and my mom were being stalked by this old man at Walmart for hours

20.) One time when I cut my thigh really deep,I poured boiling water into the cut because I hate myself that much

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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