Chapter 10 - Found

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'He drank.'

It had been a week after they had played that game but it is still stuck on Copter's mind. He can't stop thinking about it. Kimmon drinking instead of answering a simple question.

'Is he sick?'

He looked at the cabinet where Kimmon is keeping his 'vitamins' and he is very much tempted to check them but that will be a total disrespect to the man's privacy. The older man - yes older he could still not believe that until now too - is nice enough to let him go with him.

"And if he is sick he won't be traveling alone, right? That's too risky.'

So he ended up with the conclusion that maybe they are just really 'vitamins' and the man is just not comfortable saying what those 'vitamins' are for. He sighed in frustration. He is not convinced at all but he can't ask the man again if he doesn't really want to tell, right?

He sighed again. He thought of the game to get to know the man more. Well he did learn a lot of things about him but frustratingly his list of questions about the man just got longer as well. They stopped playing after Kimmon drank instead of answering the question then they continued to drink while plain talking.

'He is too private like he doesn't want to get close to anyone. While me...'

He groaned remembering how he had cried in front of the man the first time they'd met.

'God that was embarrassing.'

It was really good that the man never mentioned that again.

He sighed then laughed. Anyone who will see him now will probably think he has gone crazy but it's so funny for him how he is stressing over another person than stressing over if his new released song will hit. He thought of work once in a while but as Kimmon said he missed it but it doesn't mean he wanted to go back.

'Not yet.'

He sighed again. He grabbed the guitar beside him and started strumming it. He kept his word about the guitar. It is always with him that Kimmon laughed every time he saw 'them' together.

'God! The man's laugh.'

He can't help smiling. Tee said his laugh is contagious but Kimmon's laugh - it's lethal and the man doesn't do it quite often so that made it deadly lethal. (AN: Sorry for being redundant but it sounds so right to me 🤭)

They had been travelling together for a month now and he enjoyed every single day of it. There is this one time he asked the man what is their itinerary for the day. The older man just nonchalantly looked at him and said, "None." He was under the impression that the man planned every night all the things they would do the following day and it turns out nothing was planned. For a person like him whose life is planned months or sometimes a year ahead it was a shocking and an extremely different experience. He promised to do it sometimes with his parents, Tee and even Ram - an unplanned vacation.

He continued playing the guitar for an hour before he heard the alarm that is a reminder for Kimmon to take his 'vitamins'. And for some unknown reason the alarm is not set on the older man's phone. He had a digital alarm clock placed at the kitchen which rang thrice a day - at breakfast, lunch and dinner time.

"Kimmon." He called the older man.

No answer.


Still no answer. He went out of the van and found the man in front of his laptop wearing a headset. He walked closer to him and tapped his shoulder.

"It's time for your 'vitamins'. He told the man.

The man nodded and removed the headset. "Okay." To his surprise the man put the headset on his head. "Someone wants to talk to you." Then the man walked away.

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