About being here for you

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July, 2020

Then came my turn to watch over you.
I got so worried when you had that car accident and I prayed everyday for everything to go good for you when I had no news for three weeks. It's my turn now, I thought. My turn to make sure despite everything that you might be going through, I would always ask you about your day and how you would feel. My turn to be your angel now, because you needed support.

But then came your excuses, bigger and bigger. It was like I was just a fly bothering you and you wiped me off your shoulder with your hand, slightly annoyed. You wouldn't let me be there anymore. How could I be watching over you when you didn't want me around ? It saddened me, yet I stayed just as you did for me before. I thought I was strong enough to be there at all times but it hurt me seeing you would now take hours and days to respond because you would take for granted the fact that I would still be there no matter what. It's my turn now, but I'm tired. Why do I sit from afar? Why isn't he here anymore? Is he doing okay? I wouldn't know. He doesn't ask for my advices anymore. He doesn't need an angel now. Maybe it's time for me to leave.

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