A Block - Me vs Valt Aoi

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You guys may be wondering while we were in separate waiting rooms, "They are great friends, will they go easy on each other just because of that one specific reason?" The answer is absolutely not! Even the most closest of friends get pinned up against each other. But, enough about that, let's get to the battle.

While I was waiting in a waiting room with an extremely soft couch and a small T.V so we could watch whoever was up, I got to thinking. "Will Valt be his normal, cheerful self, or will he take this thing seriously?" Well, I knew that he would definitely bring his A game. I just had to focus on winning. Sounds easy, right? Wrong. Sometimes the tables could turn in a blink of an eye, and the guy or girl winning could very easily be the person who ends up losing. Then we were called out.

As Valt and I were making our way to the stadium, I noticed something: Valt wasn't smiling like he usually does. Was he nervous? Did he know that I was going to be a tough opponent? Then, he started talking about how he didn't want me to hold anything back. I, of course told him that I wasn't planning on it. For what seemed like forever, the battle was underway.

After we launched our beys, I immediately had Air Knight hold down the center. Valt had Turbo Valtryek used his famous Rush Launch, which moved Knight a little bit. But, seeing how Valtryek was in its Turbo Awakened State, I knew it would be tough to burst. As Valtryek came barreling towards Knight, I had it use Air Launch, which created a field of wind that successfully pushed Valtryek towards the outer part of the stadium. But, Valt being as stubborn as he is had his bey come barreling towards Knight again, I used Air Launch to stop Knight from getting too badly damaged as the battle had just started. Valt used Turbo Winged Launch to break through Air Launch, and sent Knight flying into the walls of the stadium. Knight recovered, but it had lost a bit of stamina, so I had to end thing quickly.

I waited until Valt made his move, which he did. Valt went with Turbo winged Launch again, but I was waiting for him. As Valtryek struck Knight, I used Knight Flyer at the last second to send Knight up high in the Air, which it slowly floated down safely in the stadium.  This action caused Valtryek to use up all its stamina, resulting in a Survivor Finish.

We picked up our beys after the first battle was over. I looked at Valt, who was standing across from me, and he had an impressed look on his face. It was almost like he was saying 'Wow Kit! You sure have come along way since I first met you in Spain!' He looked over at me and said, " Hey Kit! That was fantastic! I knew from the start that you weren't going to be holding anything back!" I then responded with, "Thanks a lot, Valt that means a lot coming from you!" He smiled widely at what I had said.

Shortly after, the second battle started. Valt and I simultaneously launched our beys, but he went for a far different strategy than last time. He waited around the outer ring, expecting Knight to take the centre again. But, I had another plan in mind. Knight also went around the outer ring, closing in on Valtryek. Then, Valtryek changed trajectory and went for a head-on collision towards Knight. But, I was expecting it. Knight then moved out of the way from Valtryek's attack and took the centre. Valt had Valtryek used Rush Launch, which came at my Bey with a ferocious mirage of attacks.

As Knight was knocked to the outer edge, he swooped in for a strong attack, as he hasn't lost any stamina yet. Valtryek was knocked into the wall and started to slow down. Knight then used Mega Knight Blow to bring Valtryek closer to it by sucking it into a spiral of wind, pushing in the wings from its Turbo Awakening. Knight then moved out of the centre with Valtryek, slamming it into the wall, forcing it to burst on the spot.

Although Valt seemed a little dejected that he lost, he was smiling the whole way though. Congratulating me on my win after the judge declared me the winner. After that, we walked out of the arena side by side.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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