Chapter 22 - The Beginning of Fifth Year

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Published September 17, 2020 at 6:15 P.M.

~~~~~~~~~~~~September 1st~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Stay safe, stay out of trouble."

"I will, see you over the break."

We wave off to the adults as the Hogwarts Express pulls away from Kings Cross Station. we find a compartment and sit in it.

A few minutes later, Draco pokes his head into the compartment and asks me, "do you want to sit with us Slytherins to catch up?"

"We could all sit together and you could be friends."

"That's not happening."

"Why not?" I ask.

"She is a know-it-all, and he is my leader's enemy."

"She prides herself in knowledge and isn't unbearable when you are nice and he is my father's enemy yet he is still my friend."

"Valid argument, but they are Gryffindors we are Slytherin, our houses hate each other."

"Did you know Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin were actually pretty good friends?"

"No, I did not know that. Wait... Where's Weasel?"

"He hates me because I proved his theory of all Slytherins being evil wrong."

He laughs and says, "alright, I guess I will see you at the feast because there is no way I will be able to get the others to sit with them."

"Ok. See you later," I say and he closes the door and walks back to the Slytherin compartment.

The rest of the train ride is uneventful and we arrive at the school.

When we reach the great hall and are sat at our respective tables, I look up at the staff table and see this toad-faced lady in a horrible pink dress.

After the sorting, Dumbledore goes on his yearly speech on the rules and blah blah blah.

"Hem hem," I hear this high pitched noise that sounded somewhat like a throat clearing.

The toad-faced lady stands up and makes her way around the staff table. "Thank you all for listening. I was sent by the minister to check all staff and I will be teaching Defence against the dark arts this year. Just know that what I say goes and there is no negotiation on any rules that I make."

~~~~~~~~~~~September 2nd~~~~~~~~~~~

After breakfast when we get our schedules,  I see we have DADA first with the Gryffindors.

We all make our way to the classroom and when class starts, Umbridge instructs, "wands away, books out. We won't need our wands this year as we will just be studying theory."

I raise my hand and she calls on me, "won't we need to know the spells to be able to protect ourselves?"

"Protect yourselves from what? Who would want to harm children like you?" She responds.

"Oh I don't know, Voldemort," Harry says.

"He can't hurt you if he is gone." I fail to stifle my laughter at her statement.

"What is funny about that?" She asks.

"Oh, just the fact that he never actually left. He just went into hiding so you would believe he was gone. Also, my name was put in the goblet of fire last year by somebody. I don't know who did it, but if I didn't know defensive spells, I would probably be dead from the last task. Also, we won't be children forever and we come to school to learn how to do stuff."

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