Oh, Leave Her Johnny, Leave Her

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"It started a few months ago with my husband's execution,"

Both men look startled at that news, but I keep going. I can't stand to stop. Focus on something to forget everything.

"The courts sentenced him to death by hanging on the charges of treason. He was a good man. He didn't do what they said he did, but no - no one listened, and he was put to death. They said that he committed treason against the colonies, but he would never do that. My husband, he stands - stood for the rights of the colonies. So I investigated it."

"There was nothing. I checked, double checked, and triple checked. For weeks, I found nothing to support me. It was a shite trial that was packed with falsified evidence. He was set up, I am completely sure of it." 

I begin to ramble on, and stop. My throat is stuck. Focus on something to forget everything. I just have to focus. Keep on moving 

"Anyways, I looked further into the prosecution and Parliament cabinet members who pushed for the trial. There were multiple meetings among this specific group of men that went beyond the expected for building a prosecuting case on him. "

"I decided to get inside one of the meetings they were having in the up and coming weeks. Lo and behold, I overheard what the meetings were specifically about."

I paused. 

"These corrupt hypocrites passed this document as a newly made treaty of the Mediterranean Passes."

"Mediterranean Passes?" Kendrick interrupts. 

"A series of peace treaties made with some Middle Eastern Pirates to protect English, French, and Spanish ships. The new documents I now hold are a detailed new deal to only protect English Mainland ships,"

"They can't do that! Any ship that has the English flag from the colonies would still be protected." Yusuf protested. 

I shook my head. I wish it was that simple.

"No, the English is going to sign a decree that all English colony ships, or any ship heading to a colony wave two flags. The flag of England, and a blue flag below. It's all in here." 

"Why do this?" Kendrick crossed his arms over his chest, 

"My best guess is pricing. If the mainland doesn't have to protect colonial ships anymore, then there are less expenses to be paid. There are even newly written procedures for what to do in case of supplies lost to the pirates. More money is put into the pockets of these individuals." 

"Why steal the documents then? What effect does this have on your life?" Kendrick inquired.

I can't find the words to answer him. How does this affect me? Other than Joshua's death, there is no reason for me to be this involved. The only thing I come up with sounds flimsy to my own ears. 

"Because it's the right thing to do. It's what my husband would have wanted." is my response. 

Is it, though? What do I even care about the right things to do?

"So betraying your country and labeling yourself a traitor was what your husband wanted?" 

A new voice asks. This one is female. 

"How dare you," I snarl. Pushing myself to stand. Blood pounds in my ears. It may not be what he wanted, but he deserves it.

"No, how dare you. You stowaway on my ship, attack my quartermaster, and string off some bullshit excuse about some bullshit conspiracy off of a few documents." she snarls stepping forward towards us. 

It's the woman from the docks. She's taller than me. Her arms are huge. No matter, I'm going to knock her fucking teeth in. 

Red hot burning seeps in my skin bleeding through me. 

"It's not some bullshite conspiracy, you cunt. It's not even a goddamned excuse. My husband fucking died for this! This needs to get to the people. I snuck on because I wasn't going to squander the only opportunity I had to get this to the proper authorities. The people need to see this," I bark. 

Her and I are only inches away from each other. Teeth showing, and fists barred. I'm going to beat her ass - 

She grabs me by the throat, walks us back, and slams me into the wall. 

Holy, shite she's strong. 

With one hand she lifts me a foot off the ground, her hand grips my throat. 

Air sticks in my throat. She leans in.

"Captain -" Kendrick starts, but she holds up a hand.

"Let me make this very clear. When we stop in Havana, you leave the ship and never come back. If I see you again after you leave, I will kill you. For now, you work under Kendrick, and stay the fuck out of my way." She growls and drops me.

I cough. She marches out of the hold. Yusuf follows. 

"She's nice," I bite out. 

Kendrick chuckles.  "She's not always like that." 

"I'm a special case? Wonderful," I laugh mirthlessly. 

Kendrick smiles at me. 

"I am sorry about kicking you earlier, " I apologize looking at the floor rubbing my arm. 

"It's okay. It didn't hurt that bad. You hit my hip, but I got shot there a week ago. You kick like a child." He huffs.

With a laugh, I lay down holding the papers above my face.

"The truth is I don't know why I did it. I - I had to watch the man I loved like no other be hung in front of me, while the people he fought for cheer for his death. Only to learn that what he was accused of wasn't even true. When I saw him before he was hung, he was beaten down brutally. The man who cared for others like it was the only way he breathed was killed for a goddamn corrupt political conspiracy with pirates. I - I  couldn't think anymore. He was everything and they took him. So I took the documents. I betrayed the country that betrayed me first," I sobbed. 

Kendrick just sat on the crate and stared at me. Blurring vision couldn't stop me from seeing the pitying look in his eyes. I can't bear to look at me, so I keep my eyes on the ceiling. Focus on something to forget everything. 

I just need to forget. 

"I can help you in Havana, we can get you to where you need to go," Kendrick assured me.

I nod. I can get my revenge. I will avenge Joshua. They will pay.

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