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"pleasure seeing you again"

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"pleasure seeing you again"

"hallelujah!" aurora yelled in triumph as she drove past the hollywood sign. she raised the volume on the radio and sang along as she took in the scenery.

  the fifteen hour drive was unbearable at first. it wasn't until she started day dreaming about her possible new life in los angeles, that the car ride went by faster. she was anxious as to not mess up her new chapter in her life. what could possibly go wrong in this city, especially in a beach house?

  aurora had just turned twenty-one, and realized she finally needed to try to let the past go, and not let fear take over her life. she inherited her grandmother's beach house and decided to start here.

   she drove by the gates of her new neighborhood, taking notice how clean, safe, and beautiful it was. it took her roughly five minutes to figure out where the house was. she had only been there as a child.

  aurora finally pulled into the driveway and parked her truck. she got out the driver's seat and stretched instantly, trying to get her blood flow going once again. she took in the scene in front of her. the house was gorgeous and she was grateful her grandmother left it all to her. as if somehow her grandmother could tell aurora's future and helped pave the way.

  she finally finished off loading all her boxes and furniture, so aurora went outside to lock her car, when she saw a man standing in the middle of the road, panting heavily.

  he noticed and smirked at her, as a blush formed on her cheeks. he was fit, had mesmerizing eyes, and the smirk he had on his face, gave her butterflies.

  the man started jogging once again, leaving her in a daze. aurora finally snapped out of it, realizing she didn't come to california to fall in love. not like it wasn't easy for her to fall fast, but that was exactly the reason she can't let it happen again.

  "BITCH ARE YOU FINALLY HERE?" aurora's friend, cher, exclaimed over the phone. aurora chuckled at her friend's excitement.

  "yes i am. and i am exhausted. so are you gonna come over?"

  "yes...but you need to change clothes." aurora rolled her eyes.

  "why cher?"

  "because i'm taking you to a party to meet my friends!" aurora rolled her eyes once again. she wanted to start a new beginning, not fall back into her high school phase.

  "and before you say no, it's not a frat or high school type of party. it's classy! so..."

  "fine. come over in twenty." cher squealed over the phone and hung up quickly. aurora headed to her new shower to try to clean up and wash away her exhaustion from the drive.


  "you look like a million dollars." cher eyed aurora up and down and hugged her eventually. cher and aurora met online four years ago and have been close ever since. and now they live close to each other, where the bond can grow more. cher is the only one who knows about aurora's past and supports her decisions.

  "i can't believe we're finally together." aurora smiled as cher drove to the party. aurora really needed a drink with all the moving she did today, but she told herself she would control her amount of alcohol intake, as to not start off on the wrong foot.

  they pulled up to this gorgeous mansion, with twenty other cars in the front. they got out the car and linked arms, aurora, nervous to be at her first party since college.

  "mrs. sheffield, i would like you to meet my best friend aurora." cher introduced aurora to her boss, who owned a modeling agency. she was tall, thin, and had jet black hair. aurora couldn't help but be intimidated by her beauty.

  "pleasure to meet you. please enjoy the party, let me know if you need anything." she spoke so elegantly, intimidating aurora even more. aurora shook her hand and thanked her, as cher gave her a quick tour and led her to the bar.

  "welcome! what would you ladies like to drink this evening?" the bartender smiled at the duo.

  "a glass of red and white wine please." cher ordered for the both of them. the bartender poured the wine into the glasses and handed them to the girls, as they thanked him.

  "oh my friends are this way, come on!" cher ran, even in heels. aurora wondered how she did it, but got sidetrack and dropped her purse.

  "cher wait-" aurora dropped her purse. she reached to get it and came back up and bumped into a firm, built chest. but of course being the classy woman she is, spilled the drink on herself, the person she bumped into.

  she glanced at her wet chest, thankful it wasn't red wine. she glanced back up to see who she bumped into. "pleasure seeing you again." his accent took her by surprise. it was the same man from earlier, who was jogging by her new house.

  "i am so sorry, i dropped my purse and wasn't looking where i was going." her cheeks were flushed once again, as he began to chuckle.

  "you know how to make a first impression." she was a bit confused by his statement.

  "at least it wasn't red wine huh?" she awkwardly laughed, but on the inside she was dying of embarrassment.

  he laughed once more, noticing her embarrassment. "would like to go clean up?" she nodded and he signaled to follow him, so she did. forgetting about everyone and everything else at the moment, just wanting to clean herself up.

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