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We walked into the classroom, I sat behind Katsuki and played around with my tail. Katsuki put his feet on his desk and leaned his head back onto mine. "Yo, Rocky? You alright? You're not being all annoying and sadistic." He said mocking me. I just looked at him. "Yeah, I'm good. I just wanna run, I hate being stuck in a seat all day." I huffed. He smirked. "Okay, just don't go setting the place on fire. You fucking got that?" He joked. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Damn. Why is your tounge so fucking long? Like it's not wide, it's like a snake just not spit at the end." He asked chuckling. I quickly pulled my tongue back into my mouth and looked away. "Oh cmon, don't ignore me rocky. Wanna go to the arcade later?" He asked teasing me. I just gave him a quick nod as the teacher walked in the room. I put on a scowl and looked to the front of the room. The teacher talked about shit and I just ignored him until Katsuki slammed his hand onto my desk. "What!" I yelled at him. "Takashi, please stay behind for detention today, you too Bakugou." The teacher said angerly. I just scoffed and looked out the window. "Now, I heard some of you are applying to UA." He said looking at the class. They all erupted into whispers and gossip. "You're fucking right I am." I said proudly. Katsuki jumped up onto his desk and began yelling about his accomplishments. "Oh, Midoriya, didn't you want to go to UA too?" The teacher asked. The class gossiped again. I just decided to let loose at this point, nobody could stop me anyways. "You can dream all you want but you need skill to make it come true Deku." I said leaning towards him. "And from what I've seen in the past eleven years, you don't have the skill." I said 'matter of factly'. He flinched away from me. I smirked and stood up from my desk. "Good luck though. Just don't cry when I crush you. That goes for all of you." I said growling as I looked around the room. I sat back down in my seat and put my hands behind my head. They class erupted into whispers and shouts of defiance. I ignored it all and waited for the bell to ring. As soon as it did I got up from my desk and left the room. "Takashi! You still have detention!" My stupid teacher yelled from behind me. I nodded still walking down the hall. I went into the girl's bathroom and washed my face. A side effect or draw back is that I get over heated rather quickly. That's why my bedroom is around 60. I left the girls bathroom and went back into the classroom only to see Katsuki and no teacher. "Okay now let's get the fuck outta here." He says grabbing his stuff and standing up. "Fine with me. Wanna go get some food?" I asked as he followed me outside. "Sure but your paying." He said as we walked down the street. "Ha! Nope, imma just go home then, I don't have money and I wanna go hangout in my cold ass bedroom." I said now walking towards our house. He just huffed and followed me home. We walked through an ally and he kicked a soda bottle. "My my, what nice bodies you have. Muscular, tall, perfect." An eerie voice said from behind us. I whipped around and saw a sludge villain. "Fucking damn it. Dude I just wanna go home and chill in my room. Is that too much to ask?!" I shouted at him as I got into a fighting stance. The villain jumped at Katsuki and I, enveloping us in his slime. "You fucking bitch!" I yelled lighting myself on fire. "Ooh, nice quirk too!" He said forcing his goo into my throat. It felt like I was drowning. Katsuki fires off explosions left and right, as he tried not to drown. A crowd along with pros quickly arrived on the scene. Although they tried the pros weren't able to help us much. A kid around our age came running to help. Shit that's Deku! He desperately tried to help, he threw his books at the villain. One hit him in the eye and he screamed. "I can fucking breathe! Haha you slime bitch!" I screamed as I  thrashed around, slightly freeing myself. Don't get me wrong I was still stuck in his gooy shit but I could move a bit more now. I had gotten my arm free and sent fire towards the villain's eye, hitting it directly. Deku grabbed my arm and tried pulling me out. "Fucking Deku! I don't need you! I can save myself god damn it!" I yelled as freed my foot. I kicked him away from me and Deku went to help Katsuki. He didn't take it any better than I did. Katsuki was still firing off explosions everywhere and I didn't make it any better as I was setting everything on fire.  I couldn't think of anything else so I turned into a wolf. The sound of my bones snapping and reshaping surprised the villain and he was distracted from Katsuki. Katsuki could breathe again and he began shouting out cuss words and threats. I was now a large black wolf with piercing ice blue and red eyes. I began thrashing around again biting at the sludge. "All might!" The sludge bastard yelled in surprise. I continued to fight so I could breathe as All might grabbed ahold of Katsuki, Deku, and I. He blew the villain away and it began to sprinkle. I now stood on my own four feet, panting as I tried to catch my breath. A crowd of pros surrounded Katsuki and I. They shouted constant praise at us. I transformed back into a human, I shook my head trying to get a bit of sludge out of my ear. "Wow, you both have some amazing quirks! When you get older come work for me as my sidekick!" One shouted excitedly. I just ignored him and turned to face Katsuki. "You all good?" I asked him. "Yeah, what about you?" He said looking at the ground. "Yeah I'm good. We should go home." I said looking up at the sky. He nodded and we weaved through the crowd of reporters and pros. The walk home was surprisingly quiet. That was okay though, he had things to workout. I mean his childhood best friend turned mortal enemy just tried to help him. That had most likely hurt his pride. I was just pissed Deku thought I needed his help. We got to the door and were immediately pulled into spine crushing hugs from mom. "I'm so glad you're okay! We were so worried!" She cried. I just stayed silent and patted her back until she let us go. I gave her a quick nod and went into my room.

💣Katsuki💣: hey, are you good? You weren't acting normal.

🔥Kai🔥: I'm all good. I just want to punch Deku for thinking I needed his help.

💣Katsuki💣: Your damn right. Wanna go to the fucking arcade?

🔥Kai🔥: Kay, imma change and meet you in your room. Gimme like five mins.

I put down my phone and walked to my closet. I shuffled through my clothes til I found a black tank top, green camo pants, black combat boots, and a grey belt. I put them on and brushed my teeth. Fucking sludge. Left a bad taste in my mouth. I spit into the sink and rinsed out my mouth. "Fucking disgusting." I growled at the sink. My feet made odd padding noises as I walked over to my dresser to get socks. I opened the drawer and pulled out a plain white pair and slid them on my feet. A knock at my door pulled me out of my thoughts. "Come in." I said without looking to see who it was. "What the hell is taking so long?" Katsuki asked me as he looked over my shoulder. I quickly closed my drawer and turned around to face him. "I brushed my teeth because that sludge shit left a bad taste in my mouth. And back up, your too close." I said crossing my arms. He just smirked and stepped closer. Now we were so close our noses were touching. "Is this too close for you?" He asked smirking. His breath on my neck made a small shiver go down my spine. "Didn't you wanna go to the arcade?" I asked sarcastically. "Not with you dressed like that." He said walking to my closet. "Everybody is going to think you're a guy." He said looking through my clothes. "Why's that?" I asked a bit offended. "Your hair is short like mine, and you're wearing 'boy clothes'." He said grabbing a black skirt out of my closet. He threw it at me from over his shoulder and kept looking. I caught it and waited for the rest of my clothes. He then pulled out an ice blue crop top, red vans, and a silver chain. "Put these on, the chain goes on the skirt." He said handing me the outfit. I just nodded and went into my bathroom. I changed and as much as I hate to admit, he's pretty good at this kind of stuff. I left my bathroom and he looked me over. "See? Isn't this better?" He asked smirking. "Meh, it's okay." I said trying to play it off. I went into my closet and grabbed my black leather jacket. I gave him a mocking smile and put it on. "Okay let's go. And nice touch matching the clothes with my eyes." I said winking my ice blue eye. He just grumbled and followed me outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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My flaming angel. (Kirishima x Bakugou x reader x Dabi x todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now