Chapter 5

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"Can you go away now?" Niall asked, making direct eye contact with the other lad. Upon hearing his Irish voice, Zayn snapped out of his thoughts and stared back at him in confusion.

He was going to ask why, but thought otherwise. He just met the guy for gods sakes, - well, technically he met him about a year ago, but that doesn't count at the moment - and to Niall, Zayn is probably still a stranger.

That's right, he still had hope to think Niall might have remembered him.

So he just sticked to nodding head, and taking his body out the door. He then left the dorm with a small 'see you later'. Because he knew he will see him later, probably in the next day or so. But what could you say? They lived in the same building.

Walking down the hall, he entered his dorm. Upon hearing the door squeak, Louis and Liam's head snapped up to examine the intruder. Turns out, it wasn't a certain pigeon that Louis was expecting. Bummer.

"Hey, how did it go with the roommate? Louis explained to me what happened." Liam quickly got off the couch and walked to the kitchen, "Coke?"

Zayn quickly shuffled to the couch and plopped down on it, his feet on Louis's lap. Normally Louis would have already pushed his feet off, but the lad was also curious to what happened. So he let it be, only internally complaining about his dirty feet.

"Coke would be great right now" he mumbled into the couch pillow, his eyes becoming droopy again. Lately he's been feeling tired often, like all he wanted to do was fall into an internal sleep. Only Liam understood and let him stay asleep. Said it was probably a temporary thing.

Liam - who assumed Zayn said yes since he wasn't in ear range - took two cans from the fridge and walked back to sit on the love seat he bought last year. He threw a can at Zayn and accidentally hit him in the head. Zayn let out a loud 'OWWW' while Liam kept muttering apologies.

Louis let out a howler of laughter, "My gosh Liam, you are the best! Next time hit him right in the jewels so I can see his reaction!" But when Lou thought of it, he let out a tiny whimper, "never mind, Zayn would probably do worst back at me." And since his face was in the pillow, the other two lads didn't see his wide smirk. He may have already thought of a plan to pay for even subjecting that. Yeah, he was a bit cruel to Louis, but who cares?

After a few minutes of bickering between the two boys, they finally quieted down. They both looked at each other and thought the same thing.

Why isn't Zayn talking?

But before they could question it further, light snores could be heard from Zayn's form. Zayn's sleeping form. While both were too busy being boys, Zayn thought it was the perfect time to snooze off. Only, he didn't choose to sleep, sleep chose him.

Liam let out a sigh, "We could either pick him up or place a blanket over him, your choice." For Louis and Liam, putting Zayn to bed was pretty normal for them.

Since maybe mid summer - all three boys stayed at College for the summer, not having the money to fly back home to England - Zayn has been feeling very drowsy and could fall asleep literally anywhere's. Once he even slept on the bus alone, but thank Louis and his 'find my iPhone' app. Only on occasional days -like today - does Zayn not feel drowsy and can freely go places. Like, Louis even thought Zayn was going to say no to going to visit the roommate, but he got surprised. Liam and Louis - mostly Liam - have been telling Zayn for a while to get it checked up, but Zayn kept telling him that it was nothing and was completely normal.

Yeah, falling asleep on the oldest most flimsy bus in town during rush hour is totally normal all right.

Louis shrugged his shoulder before removing Zayn's feet form his lap. He got up and bend down to pick Zayn up bridal style. He may had had a little trouble with the heavy lad. "Last time we left him on this old couch he fell off and yelled at us." He mumbled loud enough for Liam to hear and walked into Zayn's kiwi smelled room. Lou never got why, but Zayn loved the smell of kiwi. Yet in high school Zayn hated Kiwi's. Not saying he went to high school with the Bradford boy, just that he maybe stocked Zayn Facebook and looked at his high school photos. One of his statuses were him saying, and I quote, 'I mother fkin hate kiwis!!!!! I wizh kiwis would die!!!!!!!!! They tast like shit!!!!'. Ah, the high school years.

I despise high school.

In those few years of hell, Louis wasn't exactly the most popular and Riche kid at school. Actually, he was far from it. He was the kid that stayed quiet in class and often got ignored. He wasn't Riche either, just decent enough to live with his family in peace. He wasn't saying he was poor. but being 'decent' was not decent enough in high school. You must be able to buy supper for the girls you date, you must wear the most expensive clothe, no wearing clothe that were 'last season', yadayadayada. Sadly, Louis didn't have much money to spend on girls and never went on a date, which earned him the title of gay boy. Yeah, he was gay and all, but he still hasn't come out of the closet to his school, only to his family. He was often referred to as 'faggot', 'gayboy', 'rainbow', 'skittles' and many more things that were more hurtful. So when he graduated from there, he went to America and hopped to change for the better. And he did. With the help of Zayn, who could feel what he was going through. Somewhat, at least. By then, Zayn had already changed for the better, so he helped a in distress Louis. Mind you, buying new clothe and all used a lot of his cash, so he was forced to ask his mum for a bit more to survive. With free social skills from Liam - who he met shortly after- and Zayn, - mostly Liam since he read a lot of books on being social. Funny how he never used them - Louis became the talkative person he is today. And he came out of the closet and told people directly that he was gay, and nobody really cared in America (#LoveWins). Which made him more happy and made Zayn life more annoying by the minute.

Louis chuckled at the memory, and placed Zayn down on his disheveled bed. He then laid the blanket on his friend and tucking him in, knowing Zayn liked it like that. Giving Zayn a friendly kiss on the forehead, he quietly left the room and went to the door.

"Better go back and actually learn my roommates name! A fanboy always needs to know everything about his idol!" Striking the superman pose again he left the room and dashed to his. He cooly kicked the door open and went to Niall's room. He was going to yell something to cheer him up, but saw that nobody was in the room.

He looked in his room. Nothing.

The bathroom. Nada.

The whole house. Nobody.

Where is Niall?


Don't know whether or not I should continue.

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