Dear My Friend- Agust D ft Kim Jong Wan of NELL {D-2}

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Still, as ever,
I miss you, and I miss you
Still, as ever,
the memories of us together circle around me
Maybe, if I had held you back then,
no, if I had stopped you back then,
still, as ever,
would we have remained as friends, what would it have been like

Dear my friend, how are you doing
I, well, am doing well, as you probably know, yeah
Dear my friend, I'll be honest with you
I still fucking hate you
I still remember the old days when we were together
Our times when we went to Daegu together to hang out
Countless days, "With the two of us, even the world is nothing to be afraid of"
We, who used to say so, now walk on completely different paths, damn
Do you remember then? It was maybe in Sinsa
The conversation we had over soju
The ambition we had that we will eat the world alive
We, who had big dreams, were young, we were only twenty
Your going out of contact all of a sudden
A while later,
after getting a call from an unknown number,
a short call from your parents
I ran to you immediately
Seoul Detention Center, Anyang felt so far

Still, as ever,
I miss you, and I miss you
Still, as ever,
the memories of us together circle around me
Maybe, if I had held you back then,
no, if I had stopped you back then,
still, as ever,
would we have remained as friends, what would it have been like

Would it be that you've changed, or I've changed, uh
I hate even the time that is passing right now,
I guess it's us that have changed
Hey, I hate you, hey, I hate you
Hey, even at this moment as I say this, I miss you
The trip to Seoul Detention Center that I went every week
A long, three-hour-long round trip,
I went on by myself
Your trial day, your release day
I remember vividly
the white tofu on a winter day with a lot of snow falling
And, when I saw first time in a while,
you had become a completely different person
With drowsy eyes, you asked if I wanted to try *
I got infuriated and cursed at you
There was no way to bring you, who was my only friend, back,
and you became a monster
There's no you that I used to know, there's no me who used to know you
I know that it's not just because of the time that we've changed
There's no me that you used to know, there's no you who I used to know
It's not because of the time that we've changed, it's all so transient

Still, as ever,
I miss you, and I miss you
Still, as ever,
the memories of us together circle around me
Maybe, if I had held you back then,
no, if I had stopped you back then,
still, as ever,
would we have remained as friends, what would it have been like

Still, as ever,
I miss you, and I miss you
Still, as ever,
the memories of us together circle around me
Maybe, if I had held you back then,
no, if I had stopped you back then,
still, as ever,
would we have remained as friends, what would it have been like

What would it have been like

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