07. Rage

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Hoseok POV

I was having the best wet dream before being rudely disturbed from it. I was able to finally sleep in my bed without another person since Jennie went to sleep upstairs with Rosè. I felt bad slightly when she overheard what I said about y/n, but I wasn't going to lie. I think Hobi rubs off on me more and more every day. The pounding on my door and screaming of my name woke me up so now whoever disturbed me gets to see my hard dick at seven in the morning.

I get out of bed and make sure the morning wood is showing through my sweatpants. I went to bed without a shirt on so whoever woke me up will be in for a treat. I swing my door open and a wide smile takes place on my face. She's staring widely at my chest, then down to the hem of my sweatpants. Her flushed face is so cute.

"You know my face is up here right?" I needed to come out and tease my little wildflower.

"Can you put actual clothes on?"

"Can you get naked and sit on my face?"

"I don't have time for this today Hobi. Get dressed and come into the living room. Jin is on his way to come and speak to us." She walks away from my doorway and back towards her room.

"I need clothes to speak to your boyfriend? Oh are you afraid I'll take him away from you? Or afraid I'll take you from him?"

I stop her by placing my hands on either side of her body, trapping her on the wall. She avoids my gaze and that pisses me off.

"Answer me."


"That is my name. Now answer me y/n."

"You have a girlfriend, I know Hoseok isn't going to let you do anything to Jennie. He's not the cheating type."

"Can't call it cheating when we don't even like the girl. We have a love, we have someone we care about more. You just won't come back to us."

It pisses me off that she wants to give her all to Kim Seokjin when he doesn't know her demons, her damage, her darkness like I do. I just want to be one with her again, buried in her sand and swallowed by her ocean. I want to join her on the dark beach with no one but each other. I inch my face closer to hers and for a moment she tenses but then she closes her eyes and waits on my next move.

"If you want to tell me no..." I whisper into her ear. "Make sure you believe it yourself."

The knock on the door startles her and I release her so she can go answer it. In walks her prissy boyfriend Jin. I groan and decide to let Hoseok take over.

"Good morning Jin. How was your night?" Y/n's voice is still slightly shaky from Hobi's actions and it makes me smile.

"Good morning baby. Sorry to wake you up so early." He turns his attention towards me. "Good morning Hoseok."

"Good morning Jin. What brings you by so early?" I try to mask my annoyance.

"First I want to begin with I'm sorry that Hanseon got away with murdering your mother Hoseok."

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