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Leaves rustled against a gush of soothing cool wind carrying sweet floral fragrance. Amid restless sound of crickets, surging springs and hoots of wild animals far afield the depths of the colossal jungle tinted by an elegant spread of moonlight, the nature still seemed to have lost all its beauty.
Her jewellery and dress felt heavy, emotions eruptive, eyes blurred and heart..dead. She questioned herself time and again as to what sin she had committed to lead a life as such. Falling in love with the man of her dreams was all she'd done. However, wasn't she destined to have had him as her Arya? At least that's what her prayers had depicted and of course had her Govind. She built castles in the air ever since she'd heard of the warrior prince of Hastinapur; of their eternal togetherness, naughty children and status as princess of Bharatvarsha's Maharathi. Shattered was her vision of living normal by her acceptance of fate. She agreed to sacrifice for the sake of righteousness her love, her dreams and her priorities. But could she for real? The fact that he had established himself in her thoughts and soon in her heart the day they met in the temple could simply not be denied. She wished to burn the feelings just the way offerings were made to a yagna. Yagnaseni was bound to suffer.

The queen mother was consumed with guilt. This was the second biggest mistake of her life. An unpardonable one. The Pandavas this time, chose to let her alone. Tears flowed mercilessly whenever she thought of her third son. He was expressive like no other day, desire evident when eyes of his lied on his bride. His mind had been occupied with her thoughts and that his mother acknowledged before his brothers informed her in the potter's house. She was a mother! Now a mother who broke her son's vow to protect his princess at any circumstance. He was trapped and no, neither his bride, brothers nor mother, could set him free. Savyasachin was bound to grieve.

"Rajkumari" a whisper, so soft, managed to reach her ears. She wiped the moisture under her tired eyes and gazed at the sky. 

Footsteps advanced in her direction when suddenly silence prevailed as though the earth wanted to give them their privacy. It was only the gurgles of the riverwater that could be heard apart from their uneven breaths. She could sense him crying and also her innerself longing to run and embrace him, pour all her agony and ask him to search for just one solution. 

"My heart bleeds to see you in distress." he said after minutes, "Please resort to the hermitage."

"Whose hermitage Dhananjaya?" her tender voice broke uttering the name, "Educate me as to whose hermitage I must resort to for the night."


She rose from the brook bank, her body glowing like heated gold and tresses darker than the night swaying to the silent breeze, to finally face him. He had restrained to show himself until now. Too weared out with his own sorrow. 

"Tell me Pandavputra. Is it the righteous Dharmaraj, mighty Vrikodar, skilled Nakul or wise Sahadev that I should tend to?" Draupadi paused witnessing a vulnerable Arjun. "Why can it not just be you, Dhananjaya?" Her last words were barely audible.

Parth joined his palms, head bowed and chest high, "Forgive me, my beloved. I am a sinner. If only I had not won you in the swayamvar would you have seen the future that you deserved. I failed you and myself by bringing you here."

"I have accepted my fate, Pandav Kumar." she heaved a sigh trying to blink away her tears. 

Unexpectedly, she felt warmth over her cold hands.

"Let me promise you Panchali, that I will love you with all my heart. You shall always be special and shall own my senses. Reluctant as I am, I wish not to share you, but trust me my true surrender is to you. We may not physically be together, but as long as our souls are connected no one can separate us. In this lifetime, we will love each other to show the gods we are meant to be only one another's in every other birth. You will be Parth's Panchali." 

The ardent lovers were drenched in tears which did not go unnoticed by the heavens. Rain showered on the couple as a blessing also an indication that they had already heard their wishes. Their next births were destined.

In no moment, Arjun wrapped his arms around Draupadi resting his head on her shoulder while his fingers ran through her curls. 

"I love you, Arya." she whispered between her sobs. 

Parth's lips curved into a smile hearing her. She finally trusted him. He was forgiven. Or was he? They were in for an Agnipariksha.

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