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Celebrations were exuberantly lavish in Indraprasth with tunes of the nadaswaram echoing across the kingdom, drum beats adding to its vibrancy and colourful flowers scattered all over the land. It was Deepavali, the festival of lights.
The royals were seated among their subjects with VasudevaKrishn-Satyabhama and relatives from Hastinapur being the guests hosted by Pandavas. Arjun pulled a closure to the exciting day by performing the Ravan Dahan, a remarkable tradition signifying truth over evil. He aimed an arrow of fire from his Gandhiv right at the heart of the monstrous hay figurine of the asur reducing it to ashes. Sweets were distributed after having infinite lamps lit by children and women.


Satyabhama and Draupadi were caught up in a chit-chat of their own strolling in the serene gardens of the palace. They were of course best of friends who had an incline towards gossiping. 

"Tell me Krishnaa, how do you manage the needs of the kingdom so proficiently? The arrangements were impeccable."

"I'm glad you liked the events Satya but let me tell you, I only kept track of the finance. It was Aryaputra Arjun who stood throughout taking care of all preparations. I was merely an assistant," she chuckled. 

"Well well, I see how everything turned out so tasteful." Satyabhama was to continue teasing when a guard approached them.

He bowed announcing the arrival of Senapati Arjun.

"Why do I have a feeling you ladies are discussing about me? Priya Panchali, seems like your mind has been occupied by my thoughts." Arjun winked at his wife who shook her head at his unbelievable claim.

"You know Parth, your wife has been singing praises about your hard work and creativity."

"Creativity?" Draupadi exclaimed "when did I..."

"She gives you all the credit for arranging this festival. Says she was your assistant." Satyabhama nudged Arjun.

"Satyabhama, she however forgot to tell you this," Arjun naughtily sighted Draupadi "it was also me who aided her in decking out for the evening."

Draupadi's mouth opened wide while Satya and Arjun guffawed at the embarrassing revelation.

"Parth, is that a reflection from Sakhi's dress I see on her face?"

"Govind, you too!"  Draupadi's cheeks tinted red this time.

"No Sakhi, you need not stand a chance of being targeted by these two when I am beside you." Draupadi smiled at her comforting Sakha.

"Madhav, we can all relax in our chamber after the feast. Please come along." Arjun led holding his cousin's hand.

The four headed to the royal dining hall laughing their way though its massive corridors.


 "So Parth, how are the issues nearby borders? Is it true that Angaraj has decided to give up the crown?" Vasudev's face hinted obviousness. 

"Who knows better than you, Janaradhan" Arjun's question made him giggle "It must be one of his wicked plans involving that dusht Duryodhan."

"Ah one cannot underestimate Angaraj Karn's knowledge of dharma, Parth."  Krishn reclined on his right hand, elbow resting on a soft silk pillow. 

Though not pleased by the remark, Arjun lifted Vasudev's lotus feet, oblivious to the fact that it was bhagavan himself he was serving, and gently placed them on his thighs. The rage, jealousy and insecurity in Arjun's heart vanished that very moment, he suddenly felt relieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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