Animagi, Part 3

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I woke up. Did I feel any different? I sat up and took in my surroundings. I didn't feel anything.  got out of bed, skillfully treading so I wouldn't make noise and gazed out the window. Today was the first day when we should notice different characteristics relating to our animagus. The giant squid's shadow gleamed in the black lake. The sunlight glittered across the dewy grass. Blue-winged birds swooped through the trees in the Forbidden Forest. Had I been able to see that far before?

I prowled through our room making no noise and headed for the bathroom. I was always the first up, somehow. Grabbing my clothes from my trunk, I locked the door and changed swiftly. My ears prickled as I picked up the noise of someone turning in their bed. I felt myself tense up. They quieted again and I relaxed. I returned to the mirror and began combing through my hair. It felt glossy in my fingers and I decided to leave it down today. I slipped my triangular ring onto my thumb. I smiled at the mirror and then made a funny face because one should never be too serious.

It was strange, no one else seemed to be waking up. I glanced at my watch. Six-thirty? That was a little earlier than usual. I shrugged and unlocked the door stepping out silently. I grabbed my bag of books, shoved my textbooks and other things into it and headed down to the common room. Halfway down the stairs and I picked up a smell. Evidentally, breakfast this morning was the usual. Eggs, bacon, fried tomatoes, sausage etc. My mouth seemed to water.

Waiting for me downstairs were five people.

"You're all up early," I commented.

"It was rather strange. Normally I'm the first one up, but we all seemed to wake up at the same time,", James shurgged. Remus raised an eyebrow. "Except for Peter,"

"Did any of you notice anything else that wasn't normal?" I asked as we all headed out the portrait hole.

"I could smell breakfast from our dorm," Sirius said, messing up his hair. He tied it into a low ponytail. My heart pounded, and I looked away. 

"Same," I remarked, swallowing.

"Also, I can hear a lot better and I seem to be more..." He gestured, unable to form the words.

"Alert?" I suggested. He nodded.

"Yes, exactly," He pointed at me. Lupin hummed.

"I'm guessing you two are similar animals," Lupin remarked. "Maybe we'll figure out more based on what you want to eat,"

"I don't feel a whole lot different," James said, biting his lip. Iris looked at him, inspecting.

"You have better posture," she pointed out.

"I do?" He looked down at himself, as though trying to see the fact.

"She's right," Lupin said, looking at James too. "You're holding your head up straighter. And your shoulders are back,"

"What animal has good posture?" James wondered aloud.

"I don't think we're looking for an animal with good posture, more one that's regal or graceful I'm thinking," Iris tapped the strap of her bag.

"That makes a lot of sense," Remus remarked.

"I haven't noticed anything about me," Peter said, a concerned look on his face. We looked at him. I didn't really see anything that seemed unusual.

"Nothing?" I asked.

"Well, I smelled breakfast before Sirius did this morning. And I was more specific with the foods I smelled," Peter squeaked, nervously.

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