Part 10

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Today was the day I was meeting Nathan's friends so I woke up early, despite a late night. Just as I stood up I was pulled back into bed by Nathan, his eyes still shut.

Nathan- Where do you think you're going?

Becca- Well I thought since I'm meeting your friends today and I want to make a good first impression I best get up and sorted..

Nathan opened one eye before shortly closing it again.

Nathan- You look fine... Go back to sleep.

Becca- The smell of alcohol does not make a good first impression.

Nathan- They won't care.

Becca- Maybe not but to me.

Nathan sighed from beside me.

Becca- What?

Nathan- Just go get sorted....

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, I turned the shower on and waited for it to warm up. He was so clingy lately, yes I liked it him this was going too far. Every now and then I needed space and he didn't give me it.

Once the temperature of the shower was perfect I jumped in and allowed the water to cascade down my body. This was one of the only times I got to myself. I washed and shaved before getting out the shower, I wrapped a white fluffy towel around my body and one around my hair, I then went back to the room, Nathan was once again fast asleep, I walked over to the window to see what the weather was like, it was a lovely sunny summers day, I walked over to my suitcase and started to look for the perfect outfit. (See image)

1 Hour Later

Nathan and I were now heading out to meet his friends.

Nathan- You look amazing by the way.

Becca- Not so bad yourself Sykes....

As we walked we talked about Nathan's friends.

Becca- They sound great...

Nathan- They are. And I think you'll get on with them well. There they are! Max! Jay!

Nathan let go of my hand and greeted his friends.

Jay- And who is this lovely lady over here?

Max- No way! Is that the girl you were texting me about when you moved up there?

Nathan- The one and only...

Max- And you're dating...?

Becca- Yeah, we have been for a couple of weeks now.

Jay- Why has it taken you this long to visit?

Nathan- I wanted to be certain it was going to work out before introducing her to you two.

Max- Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Nathan- It's a good thing.

Max- Thank god. Well, is it Becca or Rebecca?

Becca- Either I don't mind.

Max- Well Rebecca, it is a pleasure to meet you.

Max took my hand kissed the back of it.

Nathan- Since when were you such a gentleman?

Max- Hey, I have my moments.

Jay- So what are the plans for today?

Nathan- I was thinking.... Go to a cafe, get some food, a cuppa, have a chat.

Max- Sounds like a plan to me.

Nathan took my hand and walked towards a cafe, all the time chatting to Max and Jay. He seemed happier than I'd ever seem him.

We walked into a cute little cafe and got a seat in the corner so we could all talk.

Max- So Rebecca, tell us something about yourself.....

Becca- Well, there's not much to tell really. I live at home with my parents and my younger brother. I have a half brother who actually lives not too far from here in Kidderminster. I'm 21...

Jay- Older woman Nathan?

Nathan- Actually I'm older by 9 month.

Jay- Oh so you'll be having the first of the birthdays coming up then.

Nathan- Yeah, Can't believe I'll be 22 in little over a month.

Becca- No need to remind me I'm dating an old man...

Nathan- Oi, less of the old you..

Max- You two are too cute.

Jay- Anyway you were saying....

Becca- I work in a shop, doing 20 hours a week.

Max- Oh so that means Nathan still has time to fuck you then...

Jay- You're disgusting Max....

Becca- At least twice in a morning and once before work.

I looked at Nathan and winked.

Nathan- Now that' a lie....

Max- Less than that?

Nathan- Sometimes after she's been to work as well.

Max- No. Way!

Nathan leaned across the table and whispered in Max's ear.

Nathan- As if we'd tell you about our sex life.

He sat down beside me and we both burst into laughter.

Max- That's mean!

Jay- You two are perfect for each other.

We continued to talk as we ate and Nathan was right, his friends really were great.


Nathan and I decided to have a quiet night, he'd gone out, got us some food and a couple bottle of wine. We are and drank as we watched a film on Nathan's laptop. Nathan was yawning by now.

Becca- Lets turn this off and go to sleep yeah?

Nathan- No, it's fine.

Becca- You've been yawning for best part of half an hour Nathan....

Nathan nodded before turning his laptop and placing it on charge. I grabbed the glasses we'd previously been drinking out of and walked into the bathroom to rinse them out.

Nathan- Are you coming to bed?

Becca- I will in a minute. I'm just giving the glasses a quick rinse.

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