(Kissed You) Good Night

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Percy's POV

It was mine and Annabeth's anniversary, and I took her out for dinner. We were on our way back to her house, and it was midnight. She was wearing a beautiful gray dress with silver owl earrings. I thought she looked wonderful.

When we got to her house, I told her goodbye and she got out of the car. I stayed and watched her until her porch light turned off. Then I thought 'What was I thinking? I should've kissed Annabeth goodnight. I shouldn't of just let her get out and leave. I shouldn't have been scared.'

I got out of the car and ran to her porch. As I ran her porch light turned on. Before I even got to knock on her door, it opened. I wrapped my arms around her, and I kissed her. I pushed her up against the wall and I kissed her.

Annabeth's POV

As I got inside I wondered why Percy didn't kiss me. I was worried that he didn't like me. He didn't know that I was watching him through the window. I was ready to fall for him, but I was scared something went wrong. Then he did something that surprised me. Instead of driving away, he turned his car off.

He got out and started running towards my house. I turned on the light so he could see where he was going. Then I walked to the door and opened it.

When I opened the door I was greeted by Percy putting his arms around me and pressing his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pushed me up against the side of my house. Like he wasn't scared at all.

I was so happy that he had kissed me. I pulled away needing breath and Percy leaned his forehead against mine and closed his eyes.

"I love you", he whispered to me. Butterflies filled my stomach. I opened my eyes and was met with sea-green eyes staring into mine, full of love.

"I love you too", I whispered. He smiled his lop-sided grin, which made me smile back.

"I'm glad you came back", I said.

"Aren't these the moments we live for?", Percy asked me. I smiled even bigger, if that was even possible.

"Yes they are", I laughed. Then Percy laughed his amazing laugh and whispered in my ear,

"Goodnight!" and I whispered it back. Then he turned around and walked back to his car. I headed back into my house and went up to my room. I was so happy I couldn't breathe and I was scared to death because I couldn't catch my breathe. I love Percy Jackson!

Percy's POV

As I drove away I thought about how glad I was that I went back. I'm also glad that she said I love you back. I kinda thought that she wouldn't.

When I got home, I went straight to bed. The last thing I thought before drifting to sleep was, 'I love Annabeth Chase!'


This is my first fanfic ever so please tell me what you think. I hope you guys like it! :)

Sorry about any spelling or grammar mistakes!

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